Top 20 FRUGAL LIVING TIPS That Really Work according to Frugal Fit Mom | Summary and Q&A

February 24, 2023
Investor Weekly
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Top 20 FRUGAL LIVING TIPS That Really Work according to Frugal Fit Mom


Learn practical tips on how to live a more frugal lifestyle, save money, and take control of your finances.

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Key Insights

  • 🤑 Taking advantage of generic brands can save money without sacrificing quality.
  • 🫒 Living within your means and tracking expenses are essential for financial success.
  • 💇 Cutting cable and using streaming services can significantly reduce entertainment expenses.
  • 📚 Utilizing resources like libraries for books, internet, and printing services can save money.
  • 😒 Minimizing paper towel use by using cleaning rags reduces both expenses and waste.
  • 😅 Avoid eating out to save money and enjoy healthier homemade meals.
  • 💳 Being mindful of high-interest rates and reducing credit card use can lead to significant savings.


today I'm going to uncover the secrets to living a financially Savvy lifestyle with the top 20 Frugal Living tips straight from the expert herself Frugal fit mom with so much conflicting information out there it can be overwhelming to know where to start or what to do but fear not because Frugal fit mom has tried and tested each and every one of th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important to pack snacks when going out?

Packing snacks helps avoid impulse purchases and saves money on expensive food options when out and about. It also ensures you have healthier options readily available.

Q: How can a monthly pantry cleanout cooking day save money on food?

By using up forgotten or almost finished ingredients, you minimize waste and reduce the need to purchase additional groceries. This practice helps save money by maximizing the use of what you already have.

Q: Are generic brands of food of lesser quality compared to branded items?

No, generic brands often have the same quality as branded items. Most food items are manufactured in the same factories, regardless of the branding. Opting for generic brands can save money without compromising on quality.

Q: What are the benefits of using cash instead of credit cards?

Using cash helps you stick to your budget and avoid interest rates associated with credit card use. It also promotes mindful spending and reduces the temptation to make impulse purchases.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Pack snacks when going out to avoid unnecessary spending on food.

  • Plan your grocery shopping once a week and make substitutions to avoid frequent trips.

  • Have a monthly pantry cleanout cooking day to use up forgotten or almost finished ingredients.

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