Top 10 Largest Cities by 2100 | Summary and Q&A

November 7, 2018
The B1M
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Top 10 Largest Cities by 2100


By 2100, the largest cities in the world will be in Africa and Asia, facing challenges such as climate change, population growth, and infrastructure development.

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Key Insights

  • 🏙️ The largest cities by 2100 will be in Africa and Asia, signaling a shift from the dominance of European, North American, and Chinese cities in the past.
  • 💦 Climate change and droughts will pose water supply challenges for cities like Naami and Khartoum, which rely on limited water sources.
  • 👶 The industrial corridors being developed in India will drive population growth in cities like Kolkata and Delhi, offering new jobs and opportunities.
  • 💥 Lagos, with its booming population, will require substantial infrastructure improvements and development projects to support its growth as the largest city in the world.


cities are home to the vast majority of the human population from housing and resources to infrastructure education trade and economic stability these vast urban areas must sustain our lives as the human population expands and as the impact that we have on our planets becomes more apparent it is more important than ever to get our cities right tech... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is Tokyo set to drop from being the largest city to 28th place by 2100?

Tokyo's low birth rate, aging population, and immigration limitations contribute to its decline in population, leading to a drop in its ranking among the largest cities.

Q: What factors contribute to Kabul's rapid urbanization and population growth?

Kabul experiences a steady return of Afghan nationals, leading to a growing middle class. However, security challenges, such as bombings and terror attacks, remain a concern.

Q: How is Kolkata expected to become the ninth largest city by 2100?

India's rapid industrialization has attracted rural populations seeking new job opportunities, resulting in the growth of Kolkata, which will become a major economic center.

Q: What challenges does Dhaka face with its projected population growth?

Dhaka is already densely populated and requires significant investment in its road and transport networks to accommodate its projected population growth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tokyo, currently the largest city in the world, is predicted to drop to 28th place by 2100 due to a low birth rate and aging population.

  • Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, is expected to experience rapid urbanization and population growth, posing security challenges.

  • Kolkata, in India, will become the ninth largest city by 2100 as a result of rapid industrialization and job opportunities.

  • Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, will face significant population growth and requires investment in road and transport networks.

  • Naami, the capital of Niger, will see a remarkable increase in population due to a high birth rate and rural populations moving to the city.

  • Khartoum, Sudan, positioned at the junction of two rivers, will become a major urban center with water security.

  • Delhi, India, will fall to fifth place by 2100 due to slower growth compared to other regions, but remains an important industrial hub.

  • Mumbai, India's financial heart, will slip to fourth place by the end of the century, while still being a crucial port and industrial region.

  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, will continue to grow and serve as a gateway to global markets for neighboring landlocked countries.

  • Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, will have a larger population than France, facing challenges in education and employment.

  • Lagos, Nigeria, will be the largest city in the world by 2100, requiring significant infrastructure improvements and development projects.

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