This Video is Worth $13,085.61 | Summary and Q&A

April 5, 2017
CGP Grey
YouTube video player
This Video is Worth $13,085.61


YouTube uses bots to match ads to videos based on categories and viewer demographics, and revenue is split between creators and YouTube.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 YouTube uses bots to categorize videos and match them with ads, making it possible to handle the vast amount of content uploaded to the platform.
  • 💡 Advertisers bid in an auction to have their ads shown before videos, with factors like click rates and viewer demographics influencing the bids.
  • 🫠 Revenue from ads on YouTube is split between the creator and the platform, with the exact earnings depending on factors like video category and viewer demographics.
  • 🫵 Channels with desirable demographics may earn significantly more per view compared to others.
  • 🫠 The payment structure for ads varies, with advertisers sometimes only paying if their ad is clicked or watched.
  • 🫠 Bots also analyze viewer watch history, device, and activity to target ads to specific demographics.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The amount advertisers pay can vary greatly, depending on factors like the time of year, advertising budget, and the number of ongoing auctions.


Before this video loaded you probably watched an ad and/or one will appear right about... now. How did this exact ad get on this video? And, what you really want to know, how much money do these things make? Okay, there are three players in this game. Creators who create videos, advertisers who make the ads, and YouTube, who plays matchmaker matc... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does YouTube determine which ads to show before a video?

YouTube's bots analyze video metadata and advertiser preferences to match ads with relevant videos. Factors such as title, keywords, and comments are taken into account.

Q: Do advertisers pay the same amount for all ad views?

No, different ads have different payment structures. For example, advertisers may only pay if their ad is clicked or watched, and there is a preference for ads with higher click rates.

Q: Can advertisers target specific demographics with their ads?

Yes, advertisers can instruct their bots to bid on specific demographics, locations, and categories. This allows them to target their ads to a desired audience.

Q: How much do creators and YouTube earn from ad views?

On average, one view is worth about one quarter of one penny, with $1.40 going to the creator and $1.10 going to YouTube for every 1000 views. The actual earnings can vary depending on the auction.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube uses bots to categorize videos based on title, keywords, captions, and comments, and matches them with ads based on advertiser preferences.

  • Advertisers bid in an auction for the chance to have their ad shown before a video, with the winning ad being the one most likely to generate revenue.

  • The amount of money earned by creators and YouTube from ads varies based on factors such as video category, viewer demographics, and advertising budget.

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