This TRANSPARENT ENGINE is Fascinating (How Engines Work) - Smarter Every Day 292 | Summary and Q&A

November 15, 2023
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This TRANSPARENT ENGINE is Fascinating (How Engines Work) - Smarter Every Day 292


Destin visits Nebraska to meet Brian King, a skilled engineer who has built a transparent engine and modified an Oldsmobile Cutlass to be all-wheel drive.

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Key Insights

  • 🚒 Transparent engines provide a visual learning aid for understanding the four-stroke process and how engine components work together.
  • 🧑‍🦼 Brian King's skills as an engineer are showcased in his ability to create both a transparent engine and modify a Cutlass to be all-wheel drive.
  • 💦 Timing is crucial in engine operation, with elements like the camshaft and crankshaft working in sync to ensure proper function.
  • 😨 Designing and building a transparent engine or modifying a car requires a combination of mechanical and technical knowledge.
  • 📽️ Brian King's personal connection to his modified Cutlass adds an emotional aspect to his engineering projects.


Where should the camera be? Oh, wherever. [Smashed the Gas] HOLY....[ENGINE ROARS] (Giddy Laughter and Giggling) Hey, it's me, Destin. Welcome back to Smart Every Day. We have explored internal combustion engines on this channel, and I think they're amazing. In the past, we visited a YouTube channel in New Jersey called 805RoadKing, where Everett a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Brian create the transparent engine?

Brian used a broken 5.3 LS engine and added plastic components to make it transparent. He carefully cut and filed the parts, using basic tools like a skill saw and rotary saws.

Q: What controls the firing of the engine's cylinders?

Brian uses a magnetic switch and glass tubes to control the firing of the cylinders. Each rotation of the switch equates to two plunges of each cylinder, which is normal for a four-stroke engine.

Q: How does the oil system work in the engine?

The oil is pumped from the bottom of the engine using a pickup tube and travels through the oil galleries, lubricating the components. In Brian's transparent engine, the oil is intentionally overfilled to provide better visibility.

Q: What modifications did Brian make to the Oldsmobile Cutlass to make it all-wheel drive?

Brian designed and built a carbon fiber frame for the Cutlass, allowing him to incorporate an all-wheel drive system. This modification is not typical for a Cutlass, making it a unique and impressive project.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Brian King has built a transparent engine using a standard 5.3 LS engine and customized it with plastic parts for visual clarity.

  • The engine showcases the four-stroke process and demonstrates how timing and mechanics work together to create power.

  • In addition to the engine, Brian has also modified an Oldsmobile Cutlass to be all-wheel drive, showcasing his skills as an engineer.

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