This is When Filing Bankruptcy is Your Best Option | Summary and Q&A

May 25, 2020
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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This is When Filing Bankruptcy is Your Best Option


Filing for bankruptcy may be the best choice when overwhelmed by debt and other options have been exhausted.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ†• Filing for bankruptcy can provide a fresh start and relief from overwhelming debt.
  • πŸ“Ό Chapter 7 bankruptcy is for those with limited income and assets, while Chapter 13 is for higher earners with assets they want to keep.
  • 😊 Bankruptcy has both pros and cons, including immediate debt relief but potential negative impacts on credit and loss of assets.


finally in bankruptcy is supposed to be your last resort option the very last financial tool you want to use but is there a situation where filing chapter 7 bankruptcy is actually your best choice in this video we'll look at what happens when you file bankruptcy and how to know when it's time we're talking when to file bankruptcy today on let's tal... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is bankruptcy and why was it created?

Bankruptcy is a legal process to relieve overwhelming debt when no other options are available. It was created as a way to provide people with a chance to start over, preventing them from becoming slaves or going to debtors prison.

Q: What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is when debts are completely wiped clean, typically for individuals who do not have the means to keep up with payments and have limited assets. Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves a payment plan over three to five years for those who earn too much or have assets they do not want to lose.

Q: What are the benefits and drawbacks of filing for bankruptcy?

The benefits include immediate relief from debt and protection from creditors, but it can negatively impact credit for up to ten years and make it difficult to get loans. Bankruptcy also comes with costs, including legal fees. Additionally, co-signers may be responsible for discharged loans.

Q: What are some alternatives to filing for bankruptcy?

Debt settlement involves negotiating with creditors to pay less than what is owed but may come with hidden dangers and fees. Debt consolidation involves taking out a large loan to pay off high-interest debt. Credit counseling explores various options and can be a good starting point.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • More than 30 million people in the US are unemployed, potentially leading to a surge in bankruptcies.

  • Bankruptcy is a legal process to relieve overwhelming debt, with Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 being the two types for individuals.

  • Pros of filing bankruptcy include immediate relief from debt, a fresh start, and protection from eviction and foreclosure, but it can negatively impact credit and come with costs.

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