This is how one middle school teacher is trying to solve America’s math problem. | Summary and Q&A

October 3, 2023
Bill Gates
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This is how one middle school teacher is trying to solve America’s math problem.


Building connections with students has increased participation and created a positive classroom environment.

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Key Insights

  • 🎓 Building personal connections with students can significantly increase their participation and engagement in class.
  • 🔑 Teachers should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment where students feel like they belong.
  • 🎯 Math teachers can make the subject more relatable and enjoyable by demonstrating its practical applications in everyday life.
  • 💡 Encouraging students to see math as a tool that can be used in various aspects of their lives can foster a positive perception of the subject.
  • 🤝 Establishing a sense of ownership in students by involving them in decision-making processes can enhance their investment in the classroom.
  • 📚 Teachers should aim to be memorable by creating a fun and interactive learning experience for their students.
  • ✨ Recognizing that students are not just math learners but also individuals with unique needs and aspirations can enhance their overall educational experience.
  • 💬 Communication and interaction between teachers and students should be prioritized, allowing for a collaborative approach to learning.


I try to show my students like math is everywhere I thought my role as a teacher was just here's the math you have to learn this memorize it and do it these past few years have noticed a huge increase on in students participation just by getting to know them a little bit I think you're getting ahead of our life I'm sorry I want my students to remem... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has building connections with students impacted classroom participation and engagement?

By building personal connections, the teacher has noticed a significant increase in student participation, as they feel more comfortable and included in the classroom environment. When students feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to actively engage with the material.

Q: How does creating a positive classroom environment contribute to effective teaching?

A positive classroom environment fosters a conducive learning atmosphere where students feel comfortable asking questions, taking risks, and participating in discussions. When students feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be actively involved in the learning process, leading to better retention and understanding of the subject matter.

Q: What methods or strategies can teachers employ to build connections with their students?

Teachers can build connections by taking the time to get to know their students as individuals and showing genuine interest in their lives and experiences. This can be done through activities like icebreakers, one-on-one conversations, and encouraging students to share their thoughts and perspectives.

Q: Why is it important for students to feel a sense of belonging in the classroom?

When students feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards learning and actively engage in the classroom. Feeling valued and accepted by their peers and teachers creates an environment that promotes confidence, motivation, and academic success. By fostering a sense of belonging, teachers can help students thrive both academically and emotionally.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The teacher realizes that building personal connections with students has led to increased participation and a sense of belonging in the classroom.

  • By getting to know the students on a deeper level, the teacher aims to create a fun and inclusive learning environment for all students.

  • The teacher wants the students to remember their math classes not just as a subject, but as a place where they felt valued and belonged as individuals.

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