This Idea Keeps Small YouTube Channels From Growing | Summary and Q&A

December 8, 2022
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
This Idea Keeps Small YouTube Channels From Growing


YouTube growth depends on viewer interaction and the quality of your content, not on favoritism or tricks to game the algorithm.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 YouTube prioritizes viewer experience, not content creators.
  • 🤩 High-quality content and viewer interaction are key to YouTube growth.
  • 🛟 The success of thriving channels is attributed to their ability to serve their target audience.
  • ⌚ The algorithm rewards positive viewer responses, promoting videos with high engagement and watch time.
  • 👾 Tricks and gaming the system no longer work on YouTube.
  • 👶 Search can be beneficial for new content creators as it helps people find their videos.
  • 🖐️ Optimization of titles, descriptions, and content plays a major role in YouTube search results.


  • We need to talk. I put out a video recently about bad advice that people are giving new YouTube content creators that keep them from growing. And in the comment section of that particular video, there was a lot of really interesting comments that really demonstrated how little people know about YouTube and what's important to YouTube in terms of ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does YouTube promote videos on its platform?

YouTube promotes videos by pulling them based on viewer preferences and presenting them to the appropriate audience. It does not push specific content or show favoritism.

Q: Can new content creators trick the YouTube algorithm to gain more views?

No, the algorithm is designed to prioritize viewer experience. Content creators should focus on creating high-quality content that viewers enjoy, as tricks to game the system no longer work.

Q: Is search important for new content creators?

Yes, search is a valuable tool for new content creators. It helps people find their videos, and if the content is well-received, it trains YouTube on the perfect fit for their content.

Q: Is naming video files and thumbnails with target keywords helpful for YouTube search?

While it helps with organizational purposes, it does not directly impact the promotion of videos on YouTube. Optimization of titles, descriptions, and content itself plays a more significant role.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube prioritizes viewers, not content creators, as it pulls content that matches viewer preferences.

  • The algorithm follows the audience, promoting videos that receive positive viewer responses and downranking those that don't.

  • Thriving channels focus on creating great content and serving their target audience, rather than relying on tricks or specific features.

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