These Jim Rohn Quotes Are Life Changing! (Motivational Video) | Summary and Q&A

June 7, 2021
Team Fearless
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These Jim Rohn Quotes Are Life Changing! (Motivational Video)


Formal education is limited, self-education has the potential to make you financially free and fulfilled, and taking responsibility for your life plan is crucial for success.

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Key Insights

  • 📚 Formal education is designed to get you a job, but self-education has the potential to make you financially free and mentally strong.
  • 💡 Self-education allows you to continually learn and grow, even after school and in the face of success or failure.
  • 💰 Material success alone does not bring the most value; it is the self-pride that comes from extending yourself and becoming more.
  • 📝 Take responsibility for planning and executing your own life plan; waiting for handouts or magic solutions will not lead to success.
  • 🌟 Changing your attitude and taking control of your life can happen in an instant; you have the power to alter the direction of your life.
  • 🚀 Great success requires taking risks and being willing to endure failure, embarrassment, and suffering.
  • 🔄 If you want to change your situation, take responsibility and trust in your capabilities to learn and grow. ⏰ Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment; success comes from consistently applying basic fundamentals and adding value to others.


formal education will make you a living self-education will make you a fortune formal education is standard structured and systematic education it is what you learn in schools and colleges there's nothing wrong with formal education but it is designed to get you a job or make you a living it is not designed to make you financially free or mentally ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does self-education differ from formal education?

Self-education goes beyond the structured and limited learning in schools and colleges. It allows individuals to continually learn and grow in areas they desire, leading to personal fulfillment and potential financial success. Formal education focuses on getting a job, while self-education focuses on personal growth.

Q: Why is taking responsibility for your life plan important?

Taking responsibility for your life plan is crucial for achieving the life you desire. Waiting for handouts or relying on others will not lead to success. By educating and executing your own life plan, you have the power to create the life you want and make the necessary sacrifices and efforts to achieve it.

Q: How does discipline play a role in success?

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. Consistently practicing daily disciplines and saying no when necessary leads to success. Success is not magical or mysterious but rather the natural consequence of applying basic fundamentals consistently over time. It's the small daily disciplines that drive long-term success.

Q: Why is happiness a present choice and not a future achievement?

Happiness is not something to be postponed for the future. It is a choice that can be made each day based on the decisions and actions one takes. By choosing to be happy and focusing on gratitude and positive thinking, one can design a fulfilling and joyous life in the present moment. Material possessions do not bring lasting happiness; it is the internal choice to feel good that matters most.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Formal education is important for getting a job, but self-education is limitless and can lead to financial success and personal fulfillment.

  • Successful individuals are often self-educated and continue learning and growing throughout their lives.

  • Taking responsibility for your life plan is essential for achieving the life you want and cannot wait for handouts or luck.

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