Theo Von Tried Ketamine Therapy | Summary and Q&A

November 8, 2021
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Theo Von Tried Ketamine Therapy


Comedian shares emotional journey through ketamine therapy, exploring childhood memories and unresolved emotions.

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Key Insights

  • ♿ Ketamine therapy can induce altered states of consciousness to access deeper emotional processes.
  • 🥺 Childhood memories can trigger intense emotional responses and lead to personal breakthroughs in therapy.
  • 🍽️ Ketamine therapy provides a unique approach to addressing unresolved emotions and challenging inner conflicts.
  • 🍽️ Success and external achievements may not necessarily translate to inner fulfillment and personal satisfaction.
  • 😨 Imposter syndrome, the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite success, is a common phenomenon that some individuals experience.
  • 🤳 Therapy sessions with ketamine can facilitate profound emotional experiences and deep self-reflection.
  • 👾 Therapists play a crucial role in guiding individuals through ketamine therapy and providing a safe space for emotional exploration.


the jurogan experience yeah that's what i realized that something was going on i didn't know what it was a lot of it was anger man i angry at what i don't know nothing no specific reason i tried i mean i tried like um i've just done a ton of yoga i did oh yeah yeah isn't that amazing for like relieving anger oh you're so peaceful after you get out ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is ketamine therapy, and how does it differ from traditional therapy?

Ketamine therapy involves the use of ketamine, a drug typically used for anesthesia, to induce altered states of consciousness that can aid in therapy sessions. Unlike traditional talk therapy, ketamine therapy aims to access deeper emotional processes through altered states of mind.

Q: How did the comedian's childhood memories play a role in his ketamine therapy experience?

The comedian delved into childhood memories during the therapy sessions, leading to emotional breakthroughs and significant personal revelations. Memories of his father and mother as a child sparked intense emotional responses and helped him confront unresolved feelings.

Q: What emotional reactions did the comedian experience during the ketamine therapy sessions?

The comedian experienced intense emotional reactions during the therapy sessions, including profound sadness and tears while confronting his feelings towards his deceased father. The therapy allowed him to express deep-seated emotions in a safe and transformative space.

Q: How did the comedian's perception of success and satisfaction shift after undergoing ketamine therapy?

The comedian shared his expectation of feeling different after achieving success in his career but realized that external success did not bring the expected fulfillment. Through therapy, he grappled with feelings of anger and explored the root causes of his dissatisfaction.


This video is a conversation between Joe Rogan and his guest about a personal experience with using ketamine therapy to deal with anger. The guest shares his journey with undergoing ketamine treatment and describes the intense and emotional moments he had during the sessions.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the guest initially feel before trying ketamine therapy?

The guest explains that he was feeling angry with no specific reason and tried various methods like yoga and meditation to relieve it. He also mentioned trying ketamine therapy.

Q: Did the guest try the nasal spray or the intravenous method?

The guest reveals that he opted for the intravenous method and had six sessions with a therapist present.

Q: Did the guest have any hallucinogenic experiences during the therapy?

The guest shares that there was a moment during the treatment where he thought he was a tonsil. He also reflects on the possibility of everyone being cells in a tonsil and discusses his perceptions of the universe.

Q: What was the guest's experience like when he thought he was a tonsil?

The guest explains that while in the therapy session, he started dreaming and talking about being a child and his father. The darkness around these topics started to feel real, and he felt as if he was really with his deceased father, leading to a powerful and emotional moment.

Q: How did the guest feel about sharing such personal experiences with a stranger (the therapist)?

The guest shares that the therapist became someone he trusted and would check in with during the session. He felt comfortable sharing his emotions and found it easier due to his tendency to share emotional things with others.

Q: What was it like for the guest when he started sliding down the edge of the universe?

The guest describes the experience as challenging because it felt as though he had no ropes or boundaries. He mentions feeling like a solo adventurer, similar to the climber Alex Honnold in the documentary "Free Solo."

Q: Did the guest have any other impactful moments during the therapy?

The guest recalls getting to spend time with his mother when she was a child, which he found interesting. These moments felt intense and real to him, despite being under the influence of ketamine.

Q: How long did the therapy session feel to the guest?

Although the guest initially thought the session lasted around 13 minutes, it actually lasted for an entire hour.

Q: Who introduced the guest to ketamine therapy?

The guest credits Neil Brennan as the person who first told him about ketamine therapy. Neil had a positive experience with using it to deal with depression.

Q: Did the therapy help the guest with his anger in the long run?

The guest shares that the therapy did not provide a long-term solution for his anger, but he recognizes that it might be more effective for individuals who have experienced severe tragedies.

Q: Where does the guest think his anger is coming from?

The guest admits that he doesn't fully understand the source of his anger. He reflects on the lack of change in his feelings despite achieving success in his job and wonders if the responsibility that comes with it plays a role.

Q: Does the guest experience imposter syndrome?

The guest is unsure if he experiences imposter syndrome, which refers to feeling undeserving of success and anticipating that others will eventually realize this.

Q: Is there a specific joke the guest shares during the conversation?

The guest recounts a favorite joke about his cousin getting bit by a gay guy dressed as a baby deer on Halloween in Los Angeles. He adds humor to the conversation.


The video discussion highlights the guest's personal experience with ketamine therapy, showcasing the intense emotional moments and inner reflections he had during the sessions. While the therapy didn't provide a long-term solution for his anger, it allowed him to confront and process unresolved emotions. The conversation also touches on the importance of finding trusted professionals to guide these therapeutic experiences.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Comedian undergoes ketamine therapy sessions with a therapist present.

  • Talks about childhood memories, emotional breakthroughs, and confronting unresolved feelings during therapy.

  • Reflects on the unexpected emotional intensity and personal revelations experienced during the sessions.

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