The Year of Living Biblically | A.J. Jacobs | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 9, 2008
Talks at Google
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The Year of Living Biblically | A.J. Jacobs | Talks at Google


AJ Jacobs explores what it would be like to follow every single rule in the Bible and shares his unique experiences and perspectives.

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Key Insights

  • 📏 Following every rule in the Bible is an immense challenge due to contradictions, obscure rituals, and differing interpretations.
  • 🥺 Behavior can impact mindset, as AJ found that emulating certain actions led to internal changes.
  • 🤗 Open-mindedness and respect for different perspectives allowed AJ to appreciate the wisdom in various religious communities.
  • 🥺 Interpretation and evolving meanings are crucial when approaching religious texts, as strict literalism can lead to problematic beliefs and practices.


hi everyone thanks for coming today we're pleased to have AJ Jacobs as part of the author's at Google uh series to talk about his latest book The Year of Living biblically one man's humble quest to follow the Bible as literally as possible uh the premise AJ's book is to um answer the following question what would it be like if uh we followed every ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did AJ's experiment impact his daily life and relationships?

AJ faced numerous challenges in his relationships, such as his wife not following the strict rules he embraced. However, it also allowed him to reevaluate and strengthen his bonds with those around him.

Q: How did AJ reconcile contradictory rules in the Bible?

AJ had to pick and choose which rules to follow, recognizing that strict adherence to all rules was nearly impossible. He navigated contradictions by seeking guidance from spiritual advisers and engaging in personal interpretation.

Q: Did AJ notice any lasting changes in his behavior or mindset after the experiment?

AJ adopted certain practices, such as expressing gratitude and saying prayers for others, as part of his daily routine after the experiment. He also continued exploring his spirituality, even though he classified himself as a reverent agnostic.

Q: How did AJ handle the more challenging rules, such as stoning and sacrificing?

AJ modified some rules to fit within modern society, using substitute materials for sacrifices and finding alternative ways to represent certain rituals. He also engaged with specific communities, like the Carite Jews, to gain a deeper understanding of their interpretations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • AJ Jacobs embarked on a year-long experiment to live by every rule in the Bible, including both well-known and lesser-known rules.

  • He purchased various versions of the Bible and assembled a board of spiritual advisers to help him navigate the challenges of this project.

  • Throughout the year, AJ faced moral makeovers, difficult interpretations, and personal transformation as he explored the meaning and relevance of the Bible.

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