The World's Most Extreme Construction Site | Summary and Q&A

October 9, 2019
The B1M
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The World's Most Extreme Construction Site


The British Antarctic Survey is partnering with construction firms to upgrade their research sites in Antarctica to further study the effects of climate change on our planet.

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Key Insights

  • 🖐️ Antarctica's polar regions play a crucial role in understanding our planet's climate and its response to climate change.
  • 👨‍🔬 Upgrading research facilities in Antarctica is necessary to support the launch of the new research vessel and expand research capabilities.
  • 👷 Construction in Antarctica requires careful planning, collaboration, and specialized expertise to overcome the challenges posed by the extreme environment.
  • ♻️ Strict biosecurity measures are implemented to protect the pristine environment of Antarctica from foreign species.
  • 👷 Long-term partnerships with construction firms ensure the successful delivery of projects in Antarctica.


our planets polar regions are among the most remote and hostile environments known to humankind but while these worlds may feel detached from our everyday lives what happens here in fact affects us all for more than a century research teams have studied these environments to learn more about our planet as a whole and to monitor how it is responding... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important for the UK to invest in upgrading research facilities in Antarctica?

Upgrading the research facilities allows the UK to remain at the forefront of climate, biodiversity, and oceanographic research, providing valuable insights into the polar regions and their impact on the wider world.

Q: What are some of the challenges faced during construction in Antarctica?

Construction teams in Antarctica have to contend with extreme cold temperatures, limited access to supplies, unique wildlife restrictions, and the risk of icebergs floating close to the construction sites.

Q: How is biosecurity maintained during construction projects in Antarctica?

Strict biosecurity measures are implemented to prevent foreign species from entering Antarctica. Every piece of equipment and cargo brought to the continent is thoroughly checked and cleaned to minimize the risk of introducing non-native organisms.

Q: What is the long-term commitment between the British Antarctic Survey and their construction partners?

The British Antarctic Survey has established 10-year contracts with their construction partners to ensure a long-term collaborative partnership. This allows for continuity and expertise in delivering projects in the challenging environment of Antarctica.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The British Antarctic Survey is investing over 300 million pounds to upgrade and modernize their research facilities in Antarctica.

  • The upgrades are necessary to support the launch of the new Sir David Attenborough research vessel and expand the existing facilities.

  • Construction in Antarctica is challenging due to the extreme environment, but careful planning and collaboration with contractors ensure the success of the projects.

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