The Way Things Work Now | David Macaulay | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 22, 2016
Talks at Google
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The Way Things Work Now | David Macaulay | Talks at Google


David McCaul shares the history and creative process behind "The Way Things Work" book, emphasizing the importance of engaging visuals and storytelling to simplify complex topics.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 "The Way Things Work" book continues to be popular due to its unique format and ability to engage readers in understanding complex topics.
  • 🍽️ The book combines visually appealing illustrations with clear and concise technical text to simplify the inner workings of machines and technology.
  • 💖 McCaul's approach to drawing is based on curiosity, dissecting objects to understand their components, and presenting them in a way that sparks interest and encourages further exploration.
  • 😤 The team behind the book focused on selecting everyday objects and technologies that people often take for granted to highlight their importance and functionality.


hi welcome to talks at Google in Cambridge Massachusetts uh we're here to uh very proud to to welcome David McCaul author of The the way things work this is a book that I think many of us have a lot of affection for deeply informative but also a lot of fun Whimsical um my my son is in college now majoring mechanical engineering and I like to think ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did you and your team decide which topics and machines to include in "The Way Things Work"?

The selection process was based on common sense observations and experiences. We discussed everyday objects and technology that people tend to take for granted and included machines that were widely used and understood but still interesting to the average reader.

Q: Did you encounter any challenges when explaining digital and abstract concepts in a visual format?

Yes, it was challenging to explain digital concepts without the ability to demonstrate movement. Metaphors and visual representations sometimes fall short in fully capturing the complexity of these topics, but we did our best to make them visually engaging and comprehensible.

Q: How did the internet and platforms like Wikipedia influence the creation of the book?

The internet, including platforms like Wikipedia, served as a valuable resource for research and fact-checking. However, the book's goal was not to provide all the facts but to foster curiosity and encourage readers to explore further using the wealth of information available online.

Q: Are there any future book projects or topics you are considering?

While I am currently working on a book about the SS United States, the fastest steamship, I am open to future projects. I believe in the power of drawing to convey information, and I am always looking for new ways to engage and educate readers through visual storytelling.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • David McCaul takes the audience through the history of "The Way Things Work," a book that has been in publication since 1988 and has undergone revisions over the years.

  • McCaul discusses how he collaborated with a team to visually depict the inner workings of machines and technology, while Neil Ardley provided the technical text.

  • The book aims to make complex topics accessible to average readers, focusing on how things work that are often taken for granted in everyday life.

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