The Way of Wanderlust | Don George | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

April 4, 2016
Talks at Google
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The Way of Wanderlust | Don George | Talks at Google


Don George, a renowned travel writer and editor, shares his experiences and insights on travel, the importance of being present in the moment, and the impact of travel on the world.

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Key Insights

  • 🎁 Don believes that being present in the moment and fully immersing oneself in a place is essential for truly experiencing it.
  • 👣 He emphasizes the importance of understanding the impact individuals have on the places they visit and making a conscious effort to leave a positive footprint.
  • 🌐 Don acknowledges the global shifts and challenges but remains hopeful about the increasing environmental awareness and positive changes happening in the world.


LAURA DECOOK: Hi, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today. My name is Laura DeCook and I'm a brand specialist on the YouTube operations team. I also want to extend a big welcome to all of you on the live stream across the globe. Last fall, I had the pleasure of meeting our guest today, Mr. Don George, at an event sponsored by adventure tra... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Don balance writing and traveling?

Don takes copious notes on the road, writes reflections in a notebook, records thoughts on his phone, and uses his phone as a camera to capture moments. He also dedicates specific moments to be without technology and fully immerse himself in the place.

Q: How does Don choose his travel destinations?

Don's choice of destinations is influenced by invitations, personal interests, and the desire to explore places affected by political or economic shifts. He also believes it's important to help rebuild and revive places that have faced adversity.

Q: How can aspiring travel writers get published?

Don advises targeting specific publications and understanding their editorial vision. By becoming familiar with the publication and tailoring story pitches to fit their profile, aspiring writers can increase their chances of getting published. Starting with small pieces in the front of magazines can also pave the way for larger stories.

Q: How does Don see the impact of travel on the world?

Despite the challenges, Don believes the world is slowly becoming more environmentally conscious and that travel plays a role in spreading awareness. While there is still a long way to go, he remains hopeful, encourages environmentally conscious practices, and sees travel as a catalyst for peace, understanding, and connection among people.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Don George has been a travel writer, editor, and adventurer for almost four decades, exploring over 90 countries on six continents.

  • He has published hundreds of articles in various publications, worked as a travel editor for notable companies, and authored a bestselling travel writing guide.

  • Don emphasizes the importance of immersing oneself in a place, being present, and connecting with people to truly experience the essence of travel.

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