The Strange History of Coca-Cola | Summary and Q&A

October 20, 2021
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The Strange History of Coca-Cola

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This video explores the history and ingredients of Coca-Cola, focusing on the use of coca leaves and the presence of cocaine in the early days of the drink. It also reveals the racial motivations behind removing cocaine from the recipe and the ongoing sourcing of coca leaves from Peru. Additionally, it delves into the secret operation of growing coca leaves in Hawaii and the environmental challenges faced by Coca-Cola in the 1960s.

Questions & Answers

Q: What were the original ingredients of Coca-Cola?

The original ingredients of Coca-Cola included coca leaves, which provided the essence and flavor of the coca leaf, and various other natural resources. It was initially created as a wine mixed with cocoa leaves, similar to a popular drink called Vin Mariani.

Q: Did Coca-Cola contain cocaine in the beginning?

Yes, in the beginning, Coca-Cola did contain trace amounts of cocaine. During the late 1800s, the medicinal use of coca leaves was widespread, and drinks like Vin Mariani, which contained coca leaves, were quite popular. Coca-Cola was essentially a non-alcoholic version of this drink.

Q: Why was cocaine eventually removed from Coca-Cola?

The decision to remove cocaine from Coca-Cola had nothing to do with national laws or regulations. Instead, it was driven by racism and concerns about black crime in Atlanta, where Coca-Cola was founded. Asa Candler, a white businessman who took over the company, wanted to distance Coca-Cola from the negative associations of cocaine, but the coca leaf remained as a secret ingredient.

Q: What dosage of coca was present in Coca-Cola?

The amount of coca in Coca-Cola was very small, and it was not comparable to the street cocaine that can be made from processing large amounts of coca leaves. In fact, chewing coca leaves has been a traditional practice in certain parts of South America for thousands of years, and it only provides a mild stimulant effect.

Q: What was the reason for keeping the coca leaf as a secret ingredient?

The coca leaf was kept as a secret ingredient because it was the key to the flavor and essence of Coca-Cola. The company named it "Merchandise Number 5" to deter inquiries, as secrecy was necessary to protect its proprietary recipe. The coca leaf was combined with other ingredients, including cola nut, which provided caffeine.

Q: Where did Coca-Cola source its coca leaves from?

Coca-Cola sourced its coca leaves from Peru. The leaves were processed and turned into medical-grade cocaine by a company called Maywood Chemical Company (now Stepan Chemical Company) in New Jersey. The flavor extract from the processed leaves was then used in Coca-Cola.

Q: How closely was the supply of coca leaves monitored?

The supply of coca leaves for Coca-Cola was closely monitored. The company had exclusive permission to import "special leaves" from Peru, which were used to create the flavor extract. It was a tightly regulated process, as any unauthorized diversion of the leaves could be extremely profitable due to their potential for cocaine production.

Q: Did Coca-Cola attempt to grow its own coca leaves in the United States?

Yes, in the 1960s, Coca-Cola sought to grow its own coca leaves in the United States to reduce its reliance on imports from Peru. They embarked on a secret operation known as the Alakai Project in Hawaii, specifically in Kauai. The project aimed to breed a cocaine-less coca shrub, but it ultimately failed due to environmental challenges.

Q: What happened to Coca-Cola's secret coca leaf project in Hawaii?

Coca-Cola's secret coca leaf project in Hawaii faced setbacks when a native fungus attacked and destroyed the non-native coca crop. This wiped out the entire cocoa crop that Coca-Cola had successfully grown for a brief period in the 1960s. As a result, they had to revert to sourcing coca leaves from Peru.

Q: What is the significance of this history for Coca-Cola?

This history reveals the intriguing story behind Coca-Cola's early ingredients, including the use of coca leaves and the presence of trace amounts of cocaine. It sheds light on the racial and socio-political factors that led to the removal of cocaine and the secretive nature of Coca-Cola's coca leaf ingredient. Furthermore, it highlights the challenges faced by Coca-Cola in attempting to grow coca leaves in the United States.


This video provides fascinating insights into the history of Coca-Cola and its ingredients, particularly the use of coca leaves and the presence of cocaine in the early days of the drink. It reveals the racial motivations behind removing cocaine and the secret nature of the coca leaf ingredient. Moreover, it uncovers the environmental challenges faced by Coca-Cola when attempting to grow coca leaves in Hawaii. Overall, this history adds depth to our understanding of Coca-Cola's origins and the complexities associated with its ingredients.

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