Fauci, Gain-of-Function Research, and Wuhan Lab Funding | Summary and Q&A

June 16, 2021
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Fauci, Gain-of-Function Research, and Wuhan Lab Funding

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In this video, the speaker discusses the lab leak hypothesis, the Chinese government's cover-ups, and the involvement of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Dazak in gain of function research. They argue that the media and scientific community strategically weaponized the theory as racist to prevent further investigation. The speaker also highlights the financial incentives for scientists and the funding resources that Fauci controls. They believe that this is a global conspiracy and compares it to the failure of the Iraq WMD narrative.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the speaker believe that the lab leak hypothesis is true?

The speaker argues that the Chinese government has a history of covering up information, and Dr. Anthony Fauci's decision to reverse the ban on gain of function research and fund the study of bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology supports this hypothesis. They also point out that recent evidence contradicts the claim that there were no live bats inside the institute.

Q: How does the media play a role in suppressing the lab leak theory?

The speaker explains that the media, together with the scientific community, framed the lab leak theory as racist, making it toxic to discuss. By associating the theory with racism, they effectively shut down any neutral inquiry into the origins of the pandemic. The speaker believes that this was a strategic move to protect funding resources and prevent scrutiny on gain of function research.

Q: How does the speaker criticize Dr. Anthony Fauci's testimony on gain of function research?

The speaker questions how Fauci can stand under oath and deny funding gain of function research when there is evidence to the contrary. They argue that Fauci's denial is influenced by his position of power and the incentives he has to keep the dollars flowing into the scientific community. By denying the connection to gain of function research, Fauci avoids the risk of losing funding for his research institution.

Q: What is gain of function research?

The speaker explains that gain of function research involves modifying pathogens to understand how they can become more dangerous or deadly. The purpose is to see how these pathogens can jump from one species to another, which can pose a significant risk to human health. However, the speaker points out that this type of research can also lead to accidental leaks from laboratories, which has happened before.

Q: How did the media and scientific community use the accusation of racism to suppress the lab leak theory?

The speaker argues that by labeling the lab leak theory as racist, anyone who questioned it appeared to be promoting a conspiracy and facing potential social backlash. They believe that this tactic was used to protect the reputations of the Chinese government and the scientific community, who were involved in gain of function research. Additionally, the speaker questions the media's obsession with associating the theory with racism instead of focusing on finding the truth.

Q: Why does the speaker believe that the lab leak theory is less problematic than blaming Chinese people for eating bats?

The speaker argues that it was more problematic when people were blaming Chinese people for eating bats and demonizing their culture. They believe that considering the lab leak theory, which suggests an accidental release from a lab, is a more reasonable and less discriminatory explanation. The speaker finds it concerning that the media and scientific community prioritize the political correctness of the lab leak theory narrative over objective investigation.

Q: How does the scientific community benefit from the suppression of the lab leak theory?

According to the speaker, the scientific community benefits from suppressing the lab leak theory because it allows them to protect their funding resources. They argue that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Dazak are at the forefront of gaining significant funding for scientific research. By denying the connection to gain of function research, they can continue to receive funding and support for their institutions.

Q: Why does the speaker compare the lab leak theory to the Iraq WMD narrative?

The speaker suggests that the lab leak theory has become a similar failure to the Iraq WMD narrative. They believe that both cases involve misinformation, cover-ups, and strategic manipulation by those in power. By comparing the two incidents, the speaker highlights the magnitude of the lab leak theory and the potential consequences of a global cover-up.

Q: What role does funding play in gain of function research and the scientific community?

The speaker explains that funding is crucial for researchers and institutions in the scientific community. The speaker shares their understanding that to maintain tenure positions and keep laboratories operational, scientists rely on continuous funding from granting institutions such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Health (NIH). They claim that Dr. Anthony Fauci, as the head of the NIH, controls a significant amount of funding and has the power to cut off funding to researchers who expose the connection to gain of function research.

Q: What does the speaker believe is necessary regarding the lab leak theory?

The speaker argues that a national conversation is needed regarding gain of function research and its potential implications. They propose establishing a commission specifically focused on gain of function research, as they believe it played a role in causing the pandemic and resulted in significant economic costs. The speaker suggests that the focus should shift toward the scientific community's response, which includes allocating billions of dollars for more gain of function research.


The speaker believes that the lab leak theory surrounding the origins of the pandemic has been suppressed by the media and scientific community. They argue that the accusation of racism has hindered open discussion and investigation. The speaker criticizes Dr. Anthony Fauci's role in funding gain of function research and suggests a need for a national conversation on the topic. They compare the lab leak theory to the Iraq WMD narrative, emphasizing the potential consequences of a global cover-up. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the public has been misled and believes this is a significant failure reminiscent of previous instances of misinformation.

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