The Sense of Style | Steven Pinker | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 16, 2014
Talks at Google
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The Sense of Style | Steven Pinker | Talks at Google


Steven Pinker explains the reasons behind bad writing and provides suggestions for improving writing skills.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 Bad writing can result from a lack of understanding of effective communication rather than intentional choices.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Language has always evolved, and usage rules are based on evolving conventions rather than objective facts.
  • 👋 Good writing should focus on the reader and aim for clarity, coherence, and visualizing ideas for the reader.


MALE SPEAKER: Steven Pinker is a Johnstone family professor of psychology at Harvard University, chair of the usage panel of the American Heritage Dictionary, and one of the world's foremost writers on language, mind, and human nature. His research has won prizes from the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Institution, of the American Psycholo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is bad writing so common?

Bad writing is often a result of writers not understanding how to effectively communicate their ideas. They may be unaware of the needs of their readers or suffer from the Curse of Knowledge, making it difficult for them to empathize with the reader's perspective.

Q: Can digital media be blamed for bad writing?

No, bad writing has existed throughout history. While digital media may change the way we write and communicate, it is not the sole cause of poor writing.

Q: How can writers improve their craft?

Writers can improve their writing by employing classic style, focusing on visualizing ideas for the reader, and avoiding jargon or unnecessary words. It is also important for writers to consider the reader's perspective and revise their work accordingly.

Q: How should we approach correct usage?

Correct usage should be understood as evolving conventions rather than fixed rules. Writers should consult reputable dictionaries and style guides for guidance on usage and be open to language changes over time.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Steven Pinker discusses why bad writing is common, suggesting it is not always intentional but can be a result of a lack of understanding of how to write effectively.

  • He debunks the theory that digital media is ruining language, highlighting that bad writing has plagued readers in every era.

  • Pinker provides insights into how to improve writing, focusing on classic style and the need to consider the reader's perspective.

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