The Psychological Reason Journaling Makes You Better | Summary and Q&A

January 21, 2022
The Knowledge Project Podcast
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The Psychological Reason Journaling Makes You Better


Journaling helps improve self-awareness, self-criticism, and personal growth by creating a conversation with oneself about who we want to be and how far we are from that.

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Key Insights

  • 🤳 Journaling enables self-reflection and self-criticism, promoting self-awareness and personal growth.
  • 💁 Reflecting on experiences and emotions helps us distill lessons and insights that inform our future actions.
  • 🤳 Journaling helps us slow down our decision-making process, engage our rational selves, and improve reasoning.
  • 💨 By writing down our thoughts and frustrations, we can avoid venting and find constructive ways to address conflicts.
  • 🥡 Taking time to reflect on communication before sending messages can prevent regrettable or impulsive responses.
  • 🙂 Journaling allows us to shape our narrative and present ourselves in a more favorable light when reviewing past exchanges.
  • ✊ Learning from prominent figures who kept journals, such as Marcus Aurelius and Anne Frank, demonstrates the power of journaling for personal development.


a quick google search on how to journal gives over 2 billion responses on youtube there are pages and pages of aesthetic thumbnails with videos explaining that very topic so with all this content around how to journal the question must be asked why should we journal and more specifically how does journaling actually improve our lives in this video ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does journaling improve self-awareness?

Journaling creates a space for self-reflection and self-criticism, allowing us to evaluate our behavior, thoughts, and emotions. By analyzing these aspects, we become more aware of who we want to be and how we can align our actions with our ideals.

Q: How does journaling help with personal growth?

Journaling facilitates personal growth by providing a platform to actively translate experiences into actionable abstractions. By reflecting on our experiences, we can distill lessons and insights that inform our actions, allowing us to continually learn and improve.

Q: How does journaling aid decision making?

Writing down decisions before making them and revisiting them later helps us evaluate their rationality and assess if they still make sense. This process allows us to engage our rational and emotional selves, making better-informed choices and improving our decision-making skills.

Q: How does journaling impact communication?

Journaling helps improve communication by providing a safe space to express emotions and frustrations. By processing our thoughts before communicating with others, we can avoid impulsive or hurtful reactions. Journaling also allows us to self-correct and improve the clarity and effectiveness of our communication.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Journaling is a powerful tool for self-awareness and self-criticism, allowing us to reflect on our experiences and evaluate how we can improve.

  • By journaling, we can translate our experiences into actionable abstractions that shape our actions and help us learn and grow.

  • Journaling helps codify what we have learned, just like how athletes review game film to analyze their performance.

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