The personal finances of a $200m/year ecom business owner (and why he’s giving away his money) | Summary and Q&A

May 7, 2024
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The personal finances of a $200m/year ecom business owner (and why he’s giving away his money)


Mike Beckham shares his journey of giving, emphasizing the transformative power of generosity and how it can bring happiness and purpose to our lives.

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Key Insights

  • 🤳 Giving is the antidote to our self-centeredness, helping us combat internal struggles and find greater fulfillment.
  • 🥺 Building relationships and prioritizing people over material possessions can lead to a higher quality of life.
  • 🦃 The financial benefits of giving, such as tax deductions and the ability to make a real impact, can be significant motivators.
  • 👨‍💼 Businesses that prioritize giving and create a culture of impact attract and retain top talent, positively impacting their success.
  • ❓ When choosing organizations to donate to, it's essential to prioritize causes that align with personal values and have a sustainable, measurable impact.
  • 🥺 Starting small and developing a habit of giving can lead to significant, long-term impact.
  • 🤑 Giving doesn't have to be limited to money; sharing time, knowledge, and resources can also make a meaningful difference.


giving is in many ways the antidote to the cancer that we have inside of ourselves it is a thing that naturally helps keep in check I have a little voice in my head that is like it's all about you do whatever you want anytime I intentionally choose to not put myself first I intentionally choose to use my resources or my time to serve other people i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does giving combat the self-centeredness and greed that can hinder personal growth?

Giving allows us to counteract our internal tendencies towards selfishness by intentionally prioritizing the needs of others. By turning down the voice that constantly tells us to put ourselves first, we can find greater fulfillment and happiness.

Q: How does Mike Beckham navigate the balance between running a successful business and being generous with his resources?

Mike believes that being generous actually contributes to business success by attracting talented individuals who share the company's values. By focusing on creating a positive impact, businesses can motivate and retain top talent while also making a difference in the community.

Q: How does Mike Beckham decide where to allocate his donations?

Mike emphasizes the importance of setting clear areas of focus when it comes to donating. He believes in finding causes that align with the values of his company and customers. Additionally, he seeks organizations that promote sustainable solutions and have a track record of making a real impact.

Q: How can individuals start giving, even on a smaller scale?

Mike encourages starting small and taking action. Whether it's a $50 donation or sharing knowledge and expertise, every contribution can make a difference. Starting small can help individuals develop a habit of giving and discover causes they are truly passionate about.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mike Beckham, founder and CEO of Simple Modern, explains how giving has changed his life and encourages others to prioritize generosity.

  • He shares his personal philosophy on charity and how he reevaluated his perspective on giving after realizing the impact it had on his happiness.

  • Mike discusses the financial aspects of giving, including tax benefits and the strategic allocation of resources.

  • He highlights the importance of finding meaningful causes to support and the need for effective and sustainable giving models.

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