The Modern Shopper | Steven Alan, Leah Chernikoff + More | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

September 10, 2014
Talks at Google
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The Modern Shopper | Steven Alan, Leah Chernikoff + More | Talks at Google


Online shopping is becoming more prevalent and influential, with trends such as mobile and personalized shopping gaining traction.

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Key Insights

  • 👶 The online shopping landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends shaping consumer behavior and expectations.
  • 📱 Mobile devices, particularly smartphones, have become increasingly influential in driving purchase decisions.
  • ❓ Collaborations between retailers and designers are becoming more prevalent, but the success of these partnerships depends on product selection and market demand.
  • 🤵 Virtual dressing rooms and other emerging technologies have the potential to revolutionize the shopping experience, but they need to be user-friendly and offer a seamless integration with other platforms.
  • 😒 The use of data and analytics is essential for retailers to understand customer preferences and offer personalized shopping experiences.
  • 🧱 There is still value in traditional brick-and-mortar stores, especially for customers who prioritize the ability to touch and feel products.


LISA GREEN: OK. Thank you guys. Thanks everyone for coming. First, I'm Lisa Green. I run our Luxury Fashion Group. And I'm thrilled to have these four guys here to talk to us today about how shopping has changed in the modern day, and give any advice that any of you guys have about that specific topic. So we'll go ahead and start with Lauren. And t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the biggest change you see in the way people are shopping today?

The panel agrees that the ability to compare prices across multiple websites and platforms has become a significant change in online shopping behavior. People are now more likely to shop around and find the best deal before making a purchase.

Q: Which platform do you think is most influential in driving purchase decisions?

The panel believes that mobile devices, particularly smartphones, have become increasingly influential in driving purchase decisions. Consumers are now using their phones to compare prices and make purchases while on the go.

Q: Do you think virtual dressing rooms will be the future of shopping?

The panel agrees that virtual dressing rooms have the potential to revolutionize the shopping experience. By allowing customers to try on clothes virtually, it eliminates the need for physical fitting rooms and allows for a more personalized and convenient shopping experience.

Q: What are some of the key insights from the discussion?


  1. Beauty is an untapped market for e-commerce and has the potential for significant growth.

  2. Collaboration between retailers and designers can be both beneficial and challenging, as it requires careful consideration of product selection and market demand.

  3. The increasing demand for same-day delivery reflects the desire for convenience and instant gratification.

  4. The use of technology, such as iBeacon and personalized shopping, is changing the way consumers interact with brands and make purchase decisions.

  5. Online shopping offers a wider selection and convenience, but the ability to touch and feel products is still valued by some customers.

  6. The integration of online and offline experiences is crucial for retailers to create a seamless shopping experience for customers.

  7. The power of data and analytics in understanding customer preferences is driving the personalization of shopping experiences.

  8. The importance of quality imagery and visual content in showcasing products online.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The panelists discuss their expertise and experience in the intersection of fashion and business, with a focus on e-commerce and digital platforms.

  • They highlight the importance of mobile and tablet devices in driving purchase decisions, as well as the need for seamless integration between online and in-store experiences.

  • The panelists also mention the significance of social media platforms like Instagram and the potential of new technologies like iBeacon and virtual dressing rooms.

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