The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains | Jon Morris | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 16, 2017
Talks at Google
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The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains | Jon Morris | Talks at Google


The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains is a collection of more than 100 obscure and underrated supervillains in comic book history, providing a humorous and insightful look at these lesser-known characters.

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Key Insights

  • ✊ Comic book supervillains often have strange and unique powers, showcasing the creativity and imagination in the genre.
  • 😨 The book highlights the influence of the cultural and historical context in which these characters were created, with villains reflecting the fears and anxieties of their times.
  • 🦹 Some supervillains, although initially created as silly or absurd characters, have transcended their original portrayal to become popular and iconic villains.


[MUSIC PLAYING] DAVID LEVIN: OK, today I'm pleased to introduce Jon Morris. Jon is the first author that that has us do a finger pop, so he has that honor, for sure. [LAUGHTER] He's also been writing humor and culture-related content for more than a decade. His long-running blog on failed, ignored, or just plain weird comic books gone and forgotten... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains about?

The book is a collection of more than 100 obscure and underrated supervillains in comic book history. It explores their weird powers, strange backstories, and bizarre motivations.

Q: How did Jon Morris become an expert on comic book history?

Morris has been writing about unusual comic book characters for over 20 years on his blog, Gone and Forgotten. His extensive knowledge and passion for obscure comic book characters have made him a walking encyclopedia of comic book history.

Q: Are there any standout supervillains in the book?

Yes, the book features a wide range of supervillains, but some highlights include The Crane, a vicious Nazi super-criminal with extending telescoping arms, and Mr. Pointer, who kills with frozen slivers of poison shot from his hollow hand. These villains showcase the creativity and quirkiness of comic book supervillains.

Q: Are there any memorable interactions between superheroes and supervillains in the book?

Yes, one example is The Red Bee, a superhero who fights crime with the help of a single bee named Michael. The interaction between superheroes and these lesser-known supervillains often leads to humorous and entertaining battles.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Author Jon Morris introduces The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains, a book that showcases weird and underrated supervillains from comic book history.

  • Morris has been writing about unusual comic book characters for over 20 years on his blog, Gone and Forgotten, making him a walking encyclopedia of comic book knowledge.

  • The book highlights the creativity and wackiness of these supervillains, ranging from characters with strange powers, bizarre backstories, and questionable motives.

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