The Infinite Zoetrope - Smarter Every Day 90 | Summary and Q&A

May 16, 2013
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The Infinite Zoetrope - Smarter Every Day 90


Mystery Guitar Man demonstrates how to make a zoetrope, a device that creates the illusion of motion using still frames.

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Key Insights

  • 🖼️ A zoetrope is a device that creates the illusion of motion using still frames and a spinning cylinder.
  • 👻 The slits in a zoetrope act as a shutter, allowing the viewer to see one frame at a time and creating the illusion of motion.
  • 💇 Creating a zoetrope animation requires cutting and pasting numerous frames and loading them onto the device.
  • ☠️ The speed at which the zoetrope spins and the frame rate of the camera determine the smoothness of the animation.
  • 🎮 Mystery Guitar Man's videos are known for their creativity and the "brute force" approach to creating animations.
  • 🐎 The zoetrope can be used to create unique effects with music, such as altering the speed and pitch.
  • ⌛ The zoetrope video is created one second at a time, with the entire zoetrope reloaded after each second.


Hey it's me Destin, welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So I'm in a, kind of a strange... Oh! It's a golden play button. That can only mean one thing. Somebody famous.

  • Not quite famous, I want to say. - So this is mystery guitar man, and if you've checked out YouTube for any amount of time you know who he is. He makes really cool videos and the re... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a zoetrope and how does it work?

A zoetrope is a device that creates the illusion of motion by spinning a cylinder with a series of still frames. The slits in the cylinder act as a shutter, allowing the viewer to see one frame at a time, creating the illusion of motion.

Q: Why are the slits necessary in a zoetrope?

The slits in a zoetrope are necessary to prevent the viewer's brain from processing too many frames at once. By only allowing a single frame to be visible at a time, the slits help create the illusion of motion.

Q: How did Mystery Guitar Man create the frames for the zoetrope?

Mystery Guitar Man created the frames for the zoetrope by cutting out 1300 different frames, pasting them onto small frames, and lining them up in sequence. This process was time-consuming but necessary to create the animation.

Q: How does the zoetrope video work with the camera?

The zoetrope video is created by spinning the zoetrope while filming it with a camera that shoots at 23 frames per second. The video is made one second at a time, and the entire zoetrope is reloaded after each second to create a continuous animation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mystery Guitar Man shows how to make a zoetrope, a device that creates animated motion using still frames and a spinning cylinder.

  • The slits in the cylinder act as a shutter, allowing the viewer to see only a single frame at a time and creating the illusion of motion.

  • The video shows the process of creating the frames and loading them onto the zoetrope to create a short animated video.

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