The Great Inflation 2.0: How the US Fed Will Crash the US Stock Market! | Summary and Q&A

September 8, 2022
The Intelligent Investor
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The Great Inflation 2.0: How the US Fed Will Crash the US Stock Market!


The US Fed's high inflation and aggressive monetary policies are likely to lead to a hard landing recession and a stock market crash.

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Key Insights

  • ✋ The US is currently experiencing high inflation similar to the 1970s.
  • 🥺 The US Fed's goal is to bring down inflation to the 2% target, even if it leads to a hard landing recession.
  • ✋ The US stock market is already in a correction due to high inflation and aggressive monetary policies.


hi everyone this victor here welcome to the intelligent western channel in this video i'm going to talk about why the u.s fed led by jerome powell will likely crash the u.s stock market and cause the u.s economy to head into a hard landing recession over the next 12 months just to give you some context at the time of making this video the entire st... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main reason for the US stock market's decline?

The US stock market is experiencing a large correction due to high inflation and the aggressive monetary policies of the US Fed.

Q: How does the US Fed plan to combat inflation?

The US Fed intends to raise interest rates aggressively and maintain a restrictive policy stance until inflation is brought down to the 2% target.

Q: Can the US economy have a soft landing despite the high inflation?

It is unlikely for the US economy to have a soft landing because the high inflation levels need to be brought down significantly, which will result in a hard landing recession.

Q: What is the impact of the US Fed's restrictive policies on the stock market?

The US Fed's restrictive policies will likely crash the stock market further, as businesses face lower earnings, higher borrowing costs, and reduced consumer spending.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The US stock market is already experiencing a large correction, with the S&P 500 down 18% and the Nasdaq down 28% from their recent peaks.

  • High inflation and the US Fed's monetary policies are the main factors impacting the stock market and slowing down the US economy.

  • The US Fed's goal is to bring down inflation to the 2% target, even if it leads to a hard landing recession, and they will maintain a restrictive policy stance to achieve this.

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