The Art of the Image | Art Wolfe | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

June 6, 2013
Talks at Google
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The Art of the Image | Art Wolfe | Talks at Google


Award-winning photographer Art Wolfe shares his technique of finding unique and compelling images in the world through inspiration from art history and his background in painting.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Finding compelling images is the most challenging aspect of photography.
  • 🥰 Drawing inspiration from art history can help photographers develop a unique perspective.
  • 🥺 Wide angles can create a sense of depth and lead the viewer's eye within the photograph.
  • 🫵 Wolfe focuses on uplifting and inspiring viewers through his photography, rather than capturing negative or destructive subjects.


FEMALE SPEAKER: I've been a big fan of Art for many, many years. And a couple years ago, I actually went to his studio in Seattle, Washington, and was able to take a seminar, The Art of Composition. And it really helped change my view of how I look through the viewfinder of the camera. And you're going to get a taste of that today, which is really ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Art Wolfe find subjects that are different from what others see?

Wolfe believes that the hardest thing for a photographer is to find a compelling image in a world that everyone sees. He draws inspiration from art history and uses his background in painting to dissect and find unique compositions that most people would overlook.

Q: How does Art Wolfe incorporate Impressionist techniques into his photography?

Wolfe looks to Impressionist painters like Seurat and Monet for inspiration. He experiments with long exposures to capture movement and create a sense of depth in his photographs. By focusing on small points of color or imprecise brushstrokes, he aims to create images that resemble the paintings of these artists.

Q: How does Art Wolfe use wide angles in his photography?

Wolfe uses wide angles to create depth and direct the viewers' gaze within his compositions. He incorporates leading lines and perspectives that force the eye to move throughout the frame, connecting with the subject. By using wide angles, he is able to capture a broader view and incorporate the surrounding environment into his photographs.

Q: What is the main message Art Wolfe wants to convey through his photography?

Wolfe aims to inspire and uplift viewers with his photography. He believes in capturing the beauty of the world and showing different cultures, wildlife, and landscapes in a unique and compelling way. He wants to connect with his audience by creating images that evoke emotion and provoke thought.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Art Wolfe is a renowned photographer who focuses on capturing the beauty of wildlife, landscapes, and native cultures.

  • He emphasizes the importance of finding unique subjects and perspectives in photography, rather than relying on technology.

  • Wolfe draws inspiration from art history, particularly Impressionist painters, to create compelling and abstract compositions.

  • His work spans a wide range of genres, from wildlife to landscapes, and he continually pushes the boundaries of his art.

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