The Art of Negotiation | Stuart Diamond | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

June 8, 2016
Talks at Google
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The Art of Negotiation | Stuart Diamond | Talks at Google


Professor Stuart Diamond shares insights on negotiation techniques and strategies, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence and building connections to achieve successful outcomes.

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Key Insights

  • 🤔 Negotiation is an everyday occurrence and requires a different way of thinking, emphasizing perceptions and emotions over power and logic.
  • 🥳 Emotional intelligence and empathy are powerful tools in negotiation, allowing for better understanding and connection with the other party.
  • 🤝 Negotiation techniques can be applied in various situations, ranging from personal relationships to business deals, and even when dealing with bureaucracy.
  • 🤩 Building trust, understanding goals and concerns, and finding common ground are key components of successful negotiation.


RACHEL: My name is Rachel K. I work in our centralized training function here at Google, and it is my honor to introduce to you Professor Stuart Diamond, who is the author of "Getting More: How to Negotiate to Achieve your Goals in the Real World." This book has just very recently been published and is already off to incredible critical acclaim. It... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can negotiation techniques be applied when there is a power imbalance or lack of trust between parties?

In situations where there is a lack of trust or power imbalance, it is crucial to establish open communication and address the imbalance directly. Building trust, understanding each party's goals and concerns, and finding common ground are essential steps in overcoming these challenges.

Q: How can negotiation techniques be used in a traditional setting like negotiating for a new car?

In a traditional setting like negotiating for a new car, it is important to use standards, such as market prices, to establish a fair starting point. Emotional payments, like showing empathy or understanding the other party's perspective, can also be effective. Negotiating for additional benefits, such as discounts on options or better servicing, can further enhance the negotiation process.

Q: How can negotiation techniques be used when dealing with bureaucracy?

When negotiating with bureaucracy, it is essential to use their standards and understand their policies. Making a connection with the person across from you and showing empathy can also help overcome bureaucratic barriers. Additionally, finding areas of mutual agreement and using incremental negotiations can help navigate the bureaucracy more effectively.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Negotiation is a daily part of life and involves much more than following traditional instructions; it requires understanding perceptions, emotions, and making connections.

  • The key to successful negotiation lies in prioritizing perceptions and emotions over power and logic, making emotional payments, and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

  • Negotiation can be applied in various situations, including personal relationships, business deals, and even negotiating with bureaucracies.

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