The Amazons | Adrienne Mayor | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

December 9, 2014
Talks at Google
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The Amazons | Adrienne Mayor | Talks at Google


Amazons were real warrior women from ancient Scythia who were skilled in hunting, riding horses, and warfare. Greek art and literature accurately depict their culture and practices.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ‘°β€β™€οΈ The Scythians were nomadic tribes centered around archery and riding horses, which allowed women to be as fast and deadly as men in warfare.
  • πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨ Greek art and literature accurately represent the Scythian lifestyle and practices of warrior women.
  • πŸ‘© The popularity of Amazon imagery among Greek girls and women suggests that these depictions empowered rather than discouraged them from pursuing activities traditionally reserved for men.
  • 🀱 The term "Amazon" has no connection to breasts and likely derives from an ancient Iranian word meaning "warrior."


MALE SPEAKER: Good afternoon, and welcome to Talks at Google in Cambridge, Massachusetts to most of the people here in the room, and to everyone joining us via live stream. Today, it's my enormous pleasure to introduce Adrienne Mayor. Professor Mayor is here to discuss her landmark new book "Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the An... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Were Amazons matriarchal or matrilineal societies?

While there is no evidence of matriarchal societies, the nomadic Scythians practiced gender equality, with women having equal opportunities to participate in hunting, warfare, and leadership positions.

Q: Did the Greeks adopt any Scythian practices?

No, the Greeks did not adopt Scythian practices such as horse riding or wearing trousers. They had a strong aversion to covering their arms and legs and considered such clothing barbaric.

Q: Are there any Egyptian or Hittite records about Amazons?

Yes, other cultures, including Egyptians and Persians, had stories about warrior women similar to the Amazons. These cultures encountered nomadic tribes and wrote about their encounters with warrior women.

Q: Is there any evidence of Scythian women removing their breasts to improve archery skills?

No, the popular myth that Amazons removed their breasts is not supported by any evidence or ancient representations. The name "Amazon" has no etymological connection to breasts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Amazons were warrior women from ancient Scythia who were equal to men and played a major role in Greek mythology, particularly in the Trojan War.

  • Recent archaeological discoveries in Scythia have provided overwhelming evidence that the depictions of Amazons in Greek art and literature were accurate representations of real warrior women.

  • Scythian women were buried with the same honors as men and had war injuries similar to male warriors, highlighting the gender equality that existed among these nomadic tribes.

  • Greek art progressively depicted Amazons with Scythian-style clothing, weapons, and horseback riding techniques, showcasing the cultural influence and accuracy of Scythian practices.

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