The Alcoholic | Jonathan Ames & Dean Haspiel | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 6, 2009
Talks at Google
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The Alcoholic | Jonathan Ames & Dean Haspiel | Talks at Google


Jonathan Ames and Dean Haspiel discuss their collaboration on the graphic novel "The Alcoholic" and their experience working together.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Collaboration between a writer and an illustrator is essential in creating a graphic novel.
  • πŸ›Ÿ The writer provides the script with descriptions of panels and dialogue, while the illustrator brings the story to life through their artwork.
  • πŸ”‰ Graphic novels offer a unique medium for storytelling, combining visual and narrative elements.
  • πŸ€‘ Personal and embarrassing experiences can provide rich material for storytelling in graphic novels.
  • πŸ’¦ The internet and web comics have provided new opportunities for artists to share their work and connect with readers.


good afternoon thank you for joining us today my name is Heath and I'm a volunteer with the authors at Google team if you like this program and you're not already involved and would like to be please feel free to talk to me we're always looking for more volunteers today we've got two great speakers who are going to talk as well as show some of thei... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How far along does the narrative have to be developed before illustrating?

The narrative is usually finalized before illustrating begins, but there may be some changes or additions along the way. It is a collaborative process between the writer and illustrator.

Q: How much direction is given for each panel in the script?

The writer provides a description of each panel, including any specific details they want to convey. The illustrator may also have some freedom to interpret the script and make suggestions.

Q: Do you consider real-world timing when crafting words for each panel?

While real-world timing is considered, there is also room for exaggeration and storytelling in comics. It can sometimes be more about creating a specific rhythm or pacing within the panels.

Q: Are you planning to collaborate on another graphic novel?

Jonathan and Dean have discussed collaborating on another project in the future, but currently, they have other commitments. They continue to work together on various projects, including illustrating some of Jonathan's essays.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jonathan Ames and Dean Haspiel talk about their collaboration on "The Alcoholic," a graphic novel about a character named Jonathan who struggles with addiction.

  • They discuss the process of creating the novel, from writing the script to Dean illustrating the panels.

  • The novel includes personal and embarrassing moments from Jonathan's life, which he draws upon for inspiration.

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