The $145 Trillion Dirty Little Secret of Investing | Summary and Q&A

September 10, 2021
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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The $145 Trillion Dirty Little Secret of Investing


The investing industry does not know which stocks will make you rich, but it is possible to intelligently guess what might happen in the market.

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Key Insights

  • 🛻 No one in the investing industry, including YouTubers and Wall Street analysts, has a foolproof method for picking stocks.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The investing industry tries to hide this fact and profits from advertising and products targeted at investors.
  • ❓ Investors should focus on understanding the market and stocks, using analysis and reasoning to make informed guesses.
  • ❓ Blindly following stock recommendations without conducting your own analysis can be risky.
  • 💁 Be cautious of those who only provide information on stocks' past performance rather than offering a comprehensive analysis.
  • 🙃 Investors should consider both the potential upside and downside risks of any stock investment.
  • 💁 Learning to analyze financials and staying informed about relevant news is crucial to becoming a better investor.


hey bowtie nation joseph hulk here and i had to untie the bow tie today that's how you know the video is going to be a little different a little more informal in fact there won't be any fancy graphics or editing on this one just the investing industry's 145 trillion dollar dirty little secret i'm going to reveal that secret and how to use it to sti... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why doesn't anyone in the investing industry know which stocks will make you rich?

The investing industry operates on educated guesses, analyzing economic factors and investor sentiment. It is impossible to accurately predict the future performance of individual stocks.

Q: Should I trust stock recommendations from YouTubers or influencers?

It depends. Look for YouTubers and influencers who provide clear reasoning for their stock recommendations, including analysis of financials and potential risks. Avoid those who only focus on past performance or hype.

Q: What should I consider when evaluating stock analysis from YouTube videos?

Look for analysts who provide comprehensive analysis, including the reasons why a stock might go up and discussing both the pros and cons. Be skeptical of analysts who only provide one-sided information or fail to provide a logical analysis.

Q: Why is it important to do my own analysis?

By conducting your own analysis, considering financial metrics, and staying updated with news, you can form your own opinions and make informed investment decisions. Relying solely on others' stock analysis leaves you at the mercy of influencers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The investing industry, with assets under management of $145 trillion, hides the fact that no one knows which stocks will lead to wealth.

  • Stock picks can experience significant gains and losses, making it difficult to predict the next hot stock accurately.

  • Investors should use analysis and reasoning to assess stocks and market trends, rather than blindly following stock recommendations.

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