Tezos Kathleen Breitman on cypherpunks & crypto-anarchy & world-changing potential of cryptocurrency | Summary and Q&A

September 1, 2017
This Week in Startups
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Tezos Kathleen Breitman on cypherpunks & crypto-anarchy & world-changing potential of cryptocurrency


The cyberpunk movement, focused on preserving privacy and property using applied cryptography, highlights the potential impact of cryptocurrency on global affairs.

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Key Insights

  • 🗯️ The cyberpunk movement utilizes applied cryptography and the internet to preserve privacy and property rights.
  • 🗯️ Anarchist principles are inherent to the movement, emphasizing personal responsibility and private rights.
  • 🎮 Cryptocurrency enables individuals to maintain control over their wealth globally, providing an alternative to traditional financial systems.
  • ✊ The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency challenges the power dynamics of dominant nations and dictatorships.
  • 👻 Cryptocurrency can serve as a lifeline for individuals during times of conflict and displacement, allowing them to retain their financial independence.
  • 🏪 Storing wealth in cryptocurrency provides portability and accessibility, eliminating the need for physical assets or valuable items.
  • 🗽 The cyberpunk movement advocates for human freedom broadly construed, aiming to enhance individual liberties.


the cyberpunk movement essentially tries to and which is comprised of many crypto anarchists is largely focused on people preserving people's property broadly construed and their privacy broadly construed using the internet and the wonderful mathematical science of applied cryptography in order to preserve those rights got it so privacy is one priv... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the cyberpunk movement aim to preserve privacy and property rights?

The cyberpunk movement advocates for the use of applied cryptography and the internet to protect individual privacy and property rights. By leveraging encryption and other cryptographic techniques, individuals can maintain control over their personal data and assets.

Q: What impact will cryptocurrency have on global affairs, dictatorships, and powerful nations like America and China?

Cryptocurrency represents a global exit strategy, enabling individuals to retain control over their wealth without relying on traditional financial institutions or governments. This decentralized nature challenges the power dynamics of global affairs, dictatorships, and powerful nations, potentially shifting the balance of control.

Q: How does cryptocurrency help individuals during times of conflict and displacement?

Cryptocurrency provides a means for individuals to securely retain and access their wealth, even in war-torn areas or when fleeing from persecution. Unlike physical assets or traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies can be stored in a digital wallet and accessed globally, allowing individuals to retain their financial independence.

Q: What are the advantages of storing wealth through cryptocurrency?

Storing wealth in cryptocurrency provides the advantage of portability and accessibility. Instead of carrying physical assets or valuable items, individuals can have a mnemonic or code in their memory that grants them access to their wealth anywhere globally. This eliminates the risk of losing or confiscating physical assets during times of crisis.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The cyberpunk movement aims to protect individual privacy and property rights using applied cryptography and the internet.

  • An emphasis on personal responsibility and private rights is a crucial aspect of the movement.

  • Cryptocurrency enables a global exit strategy, allowing individuals to preserve and access their wealth securely.

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