Tasuku Honjo, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018: Official interview | Summary and Q&A

May 24, 2019
Nobel Prize
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Tasuku Honjo, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018: Official interview

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In this video, the speaker discusses their experience of receiving the first message from another foundation about winning a prestigious prize. They also talk about the reasons they chose to go to medical school and their interest in cancer immunotherapy. The speaker explains the importance of understanding the immune system's suppression by tumors and how their research focused on pushing the accelerator of the immune system while inhibiting the major immune negative regulator. They share their experiences of seeing patients who were saved by the therapy they developed and express hopes for wider use of this treatment in the future. The speaker emphasizes the importance of diversity in scientific thinking and advises aspiring scientists to have curiosity, courage, and concentration. They also talk about the personal turning points in their life and the mentors who influenced their scientific career. The video concludes with the speaker discussing their contributions to the field of antibody diversity and cancer immunotherapy, as well as their family and administrative work.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker find out about receiving the award?

The speaker received a telephone call from another foundation, followed by an email confirmation. They were initially unsure if it was good or bad news, but it turned out to be a real and exciting moment in their life.

Q: What were the reasons behind the speaker's decision to go to medical school?

The speaker's decision to go to medical school was influenced by their father, as well as their own interest in the field. They were also inspired by the biography of Hideo Noguchi, a doctor who made significant contributions to medicine and died during his study on yellow fever.

Q: What was the breakthrough of the speaker's research on cancer immunotherapy?

The speaker's research focused on understanding that the immune system was suppressed by tumor growth, and they discovered a major immune negative regulator called PD-1. They demonstrated that blocking PD-1 could cure cancer in animal models and later found that PD-1 blockade could also cure cancer in humans. This discovery led to the development of a therapy that is less toxic and has a wider spectrum of tumors it can treat compared to another immune negative regulator, C therefore.

Q: What was the most moving experience for the speaker in their scientific career?

The speaker shares that the most moving experience in their scientific career was when they saw patients who were saved by the therapy they developed. This made them feel that their life had meaning and touched them deeply.

Q: Can the speaker share any examples of patients who benefited from the therapy?

The speaker mentions a lady with ovarian cancer who was initially thought to be hopeless but recovered after one year of treatment. She has been tumor-free for almost five years and is enjoying her life, even playing golf. They also mention a friend who had lung cancer and was cured after starting the treatment they developed.

Q: What is the current status of the speaker's treatment?

The speaker states that the treatment is still not complete and that only 20 to 30 percent of patients respond to it. They acknowledge that there is a long way to go but express hope that with the involvement of many scientists in the industry, the therapy will become widely used and accessible to almost everybody by the end of the century.

Q: Why does the speaker believe diversity is important in scientific thinking?

The speaker believes that diversity, including different ideas, gender, nationality, culture, and age, is important in scientific thinking because it allows for more perspectives and discussions. They mention the importance of having young and brave people as well as experienced individuals in the field.

Q: What does the speaker advise to become a good scientist?

The speaker advises aspiring scientists to have curiosity, courage, and concentration. They emphasize the importance of curiosity and the willingness to tackle difficult problems with courage. They also stress the need to concentrate and continue the work, eventually building confidence.

Q: How does the speaker maintain their curiosity as a scientist?

The speaker says that they never tried to keep their curiosity as it comes from inside. They find everything they learn to be interesting and ask themselves why it is so. They believe that curiosity is endless and comes naturally.

Q: What were the turning points in the speaker's life?

The speaker shares two turning points in their life. The first was when they were enchanted by the sight of a tiny ring around Saturn through a telescope in elementary school, which sparked their interest in astronomy. However, they later switched to medicine after reading a biography of Hideo Noguchi. The second turning point was when they had to make the decision to stay in the United States or return to Japan, ultimately choosing to go back to Japan.


In summary, this video provides insights into the speaker's experience of receiving a prestigious award, their journey into medical school, and their groundbreaking research on cancer immunotherapy. They discuss the importance of understanding the immune system's suppression by tumors and the discovery of major immune negative regulators. The speaker shares touching moments of seeing patients saved by their therapy and expresses hope for wider use of the treatment in the future. They emphasize the significance of diversity in scientific thinking and offer advice for aspiring scientists. Lastly, the speaker reflects on their turning points in life and the importance of mentors in their scientific career.

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