Taste Marketing | Adnan Aziz | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

August 15, 2008
Talks at Google
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Taste Marketing | Adnan Aziz | Talks at Google


Adnan, founder of First Flavor Inc., discusses his journey in the flavor and sensory taste marketing industry and the potential of multisensory marketing in engaging consumers.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ‘… Multisensory marketing, specifically using taste, is an emerging field with significant potential for engaging consumers.
  • πŸ˜‹ Taste marketing has various applications beyond food products, including liquor and medicine industries.
  • πŸ—―οΈ With the right partnerships, innovative marketing strategies can help overcome the clutter in traditional advertising.
  • πŸ₯Ί Delving deeper and connecting abstract concepts can lead to unique business ideas.
  • πŸ˜₯ Data points and trendscape analysis can help identify opportunities and predict future market trends.
  • πŸͺš Patents and barriers to entry can protect the competitive advantage of innovative products.
  • 😫 Building a team with diverse skill sets and expertise is crucial for the success of an entrepreneurial venture.


hello everyone um I want to introduce Our Guest today uh Adan aiz uh Adnan is the founder and director of first flavor Incorporated uh really one of the the Pioneers in the flavor and sensory taste marketing uh industry Adnan has been recognized for his work at at first flavor um a number of times and was recently nominated as one of the top 25 ent... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is multisensory marketing and how does First Flavor use it?

Multisensory marketing is the use of multiple senses, beyond just auditory and visual, to engage with consumers. First Flavor focuses on the sense of taste and uses edible strips to replicate flavors, allowing consumers to experience products before purchasing.

Q: How has First Flavor been received in the market?

First Flavor has gained traction and has worked with top CPGs in conducting trials in various touchpoints such as magazines and direct mail. The company has received positive trial results, with one client achieving a 70% recall rate. They have also won awards for their innovative marketing campaigns.

Q: What are the potential applications for taste marketing beyond food industry products?

Taste marketing can be applied to various industries, such as liquor products, flavored medicines, and promotional campaigns. First Flavor has been approached to create unique taste experiences, such as the taste of blood and grass for extreme sports concepts, demonstrating the versatility of this marketing tool.

Q: How does First Flavor ensure safety and allergen concerns with their edible strips?

First Flavor uses generally recognized as safe (GRAS) materials for their edible strips. They work closely with flavor companies to ensure that the ingredients used are safe and do not cause allergenic reactions. Each formulation undergoes rigorous safety checks and evaluations before being used.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Adnan shares his experiences as the founder of First Flavor and how he came up with the idea of using taste as a marketing tool.

  • First Flavor specializes in multisensory marketing, specifically using edible strips to replicate the flavor of products and engage consumers.

  • The company has received recognition and positive trial results, leading to partnerships with top CPGs and interest from various industries.

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