T2 Trainspotting | Danny Boyle | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

March 15, 2017
Talks at Google
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T2 Trainspotting | Danny Boyle | Talks at Google


Director Danny Boyle talks about the risky decision to make a sequel to Trainspotting after 21 years and the importance of finding a personal passion for the project. He also touches on themes of aging, friendship, and the challenges of balancing humor and universal appeal in films.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ Making a sequel to a beloved film after a long period of time is a risky endeavor that requires finding a personal passion for the project.
  • ๐Ÿ’… "T2 Trainspotting" explores the challenges of aging and the allure of reliving the past, particularly for men.
  • ๐Ÿ’ช The inclusion of strong female characters and family dynamics adds depth to the story and differentiates it from the first film.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ Balancing humor and cultural specificity is more important than universal appeal in creating impactful films.


[MUSIC PLAYING] DANA HAN-KLEIN: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Talks at Google. Today, it's my pleasure to welcome director Danny Boyle. DANNY BOYLE: Hello. Hello, everyone. Very kind. Thank you all. DANA HAN-KLEIN: So we're here for Trainspotting, "T2 Trainspotting." DANNY BOYLE: Yes. DANA HAN-KLEIN: And it's 21 years later. So you took a crack at writi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivated Danny Boyle to revisit the Trainspotting story after 21 years?

Boyle explains that the decision was driven by personal passion rather than commercial reasons. He wanted to find a compelling reason to make the sequel that would hold up to the original film's value in people's lives.

Q: How did Danny Boyle and the cast approach the challenge of portraying the characters 20 years later?

Boyle mentions that the actors fully understood their characters and their evolution, making it easier for them to portray their older selves. The crew also had to lift their game from the beginning due to the actors' immediately strong performances.

Q: Was there a conscious effort to include more female perspectives in "T2 Trainspotting"?

Boyle explains that the return of female characters from the first film, as well as the inclusion of more family and father-son dynamics, adds depth to the story. While the film maintains its focus on the male characters, the women in the film play crucial roles and bring a different perspective.

Q: How did Boyle balance humor and universal appeal in the film?

Boyle dismisses the idea of making humor universally appealing and reveals that he doesn't worry about how humor will play in every culture. He believes that emphasizing cultural uniqueness and authenticity makes films more relatable and impactful in the long run.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Danny Boyle reveals that the decision to make a sequel to Trainspotting 21 years later was risky but motivated by a personal passion rather than commercial reasons.

  • The film explores themes of aging, specifically how men struggle to transition to manhood, and the allure of reliving the past.

  • The inclusion of strong female characters and family dynamics adds depth to the story and differentiates it from the first film.

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