Subscriber Hangout and YouTube Channel Tips | Summary and Q&A

June 30, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Subscriber Hangout and YouTube Channel Tips


YouTuber brothers discuss their experience at VidCon and the importance of attending YouTube events for networking, learning, and gaining inspiration.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑 Meeting and interacting with creators in person is a unique and inspiring experience.
  • 👂 Listening to conversations between creators of all sizes broadens mindsets and provides valuable insights into content creation.
  • 💦 Attending YouTube events can ignite motivation and excitement to work on YouTube projects.
  • 🥺 Building connections and networking with other creators can lead to collaborations and growth opportunities.
  • 💆 Getting involved in the YouTube conversation and community helps creators stay informed and inspired.
  • ❓ YouTube events provide valuable industry knowledge and the chance to learn from successful YouTubers.
  • 😀 Face-to-face interactions at events allow for deeper connections and a better understanding of creators' mindsets.


and we're rolling okay today we are doing a subscriber hangout as well as giving some YouTube channel tips looking at channels and all that good stuff and we're starting what is going on my name is Nick welcome to another video if this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel make videos and all types of other YouTube ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the brothers' main takeaway from attending VidCon?

The brothers were blown away by the chance to meet creators face-to-face, witness their mindset, and learn from their conversations. It left them feeling inspired and excited to work on their YouTube projects.

Q: How did attending VidCon expand the brothers' mindset?

Meeting and conversing with YouTubers of all sizes allowed the brothers to gain insight into how creators think and the processes they use to improve their videos. They were particularly impressed by a shoot with Video Influencers, where they saw the attention to detail and constant improvement in their work.

Q: Is there value in attending YouTube events for networking and learning?

Yes, attending YouTube events offers creators the opportunity to network, learn from successful YouTubers, and gain inspiration. It allows for face-to-face interactions, which can fuel motivation and provide valuable insights into the content creation process.

Q: How can creators benefit from attending YouTube events?

By attending YouTube events, creators can witness different approaches to content creation, gain valuable industry knowledge, discuss ideas, and build connections with other creators. It also allows them to be part of the YouTube conversation and get involved in the community.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The YouTuber brothers share their experience of attending VidCon and meeting other creators, getting inspiration and learning from their conversations and mindset.

  • They highlight the value of face-to-face interactions and witnessing how successful YouTubers approach their content creation process.

  • They emphasize the importance of community and involvement in the YouTube conversation to fuel motivation and drive in their own projects.

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