Stop Breaking these Investing Rules and Stop Losing Money | Summary and Q&A

September 5, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Stop Breaking these Investing Rules and Stop Losing Money


Larry Ludwig, founder of Investor Junkie, shares his insights on investing and dispels misconceptions about making money in the stock market.

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Key Insights

  • 🪡 Investor Junkie was created to address the author's own needs and those of readers, aiming to help individuals become better investors.
  • 🛻 Misconceptions about the stock market include expecting quick wealth and relying too heavily on picking individual stocks.
  • 😒 Ludwig suggests that investors focus on their own business or career and use passive investing strategies like index funds.


Joseph Hogue here with another video on the let's talk money YouTube channel I want to welcome all our subscribers and thank you for taking a part of your day to be here if you're not a subscriber yet just click that little red button it's free and you'll never miss a video we've got a great video planned for you today a part of our expert intervie... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What led Larry Ludwig to create Investor Junkie?

Ludwig felt that existing financial sites and gurus didn't meet his needs, so he wanted to create a website that addressed the needs of average individuals and helped them become better investors.

Q: What are some common misconceptions people have about the stock market and investing?

Many people think they can get rich quickly in the stock market and believe in the hype surrounding individual stocks. Ludwig advises against this and recommends focusing on long-term, passive investing instead.

Q: How can investors put their money to work in a way that allows them to focus on their own business or work?

Ludwig suggests taking the passive route with investing, using financial advisors or robo-advisors for those who are less inclined to do it themselves. This way, investors can focus on their careers or businesses while still benefiting from investing.

Q: What are some modern innovations in investing that everyone should take advantage of?

Ludwig mentions the dramatic decrease in fees, with some brokers even offering free trading. He also recommends using tools and services like research platforms to compare costs and find cheaper alternatives for ETFs and mutual funds.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Larry Ludwig founded Investor Junkie to create a website that addressed his own needs and those of readers, helping them become better investors.

  • Ludwig emphasizes the misconceptions of making wealth in the stock market and highlights the importance of focusing on one's own business or job for income generation.

  • He suggests minimizing expenses, taxes, and the focus on picking individual stocks, and instead recommends passive investing and index funds for most investors.

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