Solving systems by graphing | Summary and Q&A

June 14, 2010
Khan Academy
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Solving systems by graphing


Abby and Ben earned a total of $50, with Abby earning $10 more than Ben. By finding the point of intersection on the graph, Abby earned $30 and Ben earned $20.

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Key Insights

  • 🇧🇯 Abby and Ben earned a total of $50 from their household chores.
  • 🇧🇯 Abby's earnings were $10 more than Ben's.
  • 📈 The graph represents all the possible combinations of Abby and Ben's earnings given the constraints.
  • 😥 The point of intersection on the graph represents Abby and Ben's earnings that satisfy both constraints.
  • 😥 By finding the point of intersection, Abby earned $30 and Ben earned $20.
  • 😥 The strategy of finding the point of intersection is the most effective in solving the problem.
  • 🆘 Graphing Abby's earnings on the a-axis and Ben's earnings on the b-axis helps visualize the problem.


Abby and Ben did household chores last weekend. Together they earned $50. That looks like an interesting statement. Let me underline that. Together they earned $50 and Abby earned $10 more than Ben. So they also tell us--let me underline that-- Abby earned $10 more than Ben. How much did each earn? So that's the first question that we have to answe... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How much did Abby and Ben earn from their household chores?

Abby earned $30 and Ben earned $20 from their household chores.

Q: Which strategy is most useful in finding the answer to the earnings problem?

The strategy of finding the point of intersection on the graph is the most useful in solving the problem.

Q: What does the statement "Abby earned $10 more than Ben" mean?

It means that Abby's earnings can be calculated by adding $10 to Ben's earnings.

Q: How can we represent Abby and Ben's earnings on a graph?

Abby's earnings can be represented on the vertical axis (a-axis) and Ben's earnings on the horizontal axis (b-axis).

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Abby and Ben earned a total of $50 from their household chores.

  • Abby's earnings were $10 more than Ben's.

  • To find the solution, the point of intersection on the graph represents their earnings, which are $30 for Abby and $20 for Ben.

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