Solve Percentages in Your Head in seconds -» Easy Percentage Trick | Summary and Q&A

November 6, 2022
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Solve Percentages in Your Head in seconds -» Easy Percentage Trick


Learn a simple trick to solve percentage questions quickly and easily.

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Key Insights

  • 🍳 Breaking down the given percentage into easier calculations can significantly simplify the process of solving percentage questions.
  • 🍳 The trick involves breaking down the given percentage into a larger, easy-to-calculate part and a smaller part.
  • 🥳 By adding the calculations of the two parts together, the final answer for the percentage question can be obtained.
  • ⚾ This trick can be applied to various percentage questions by adjusting the breakdown of the percentage based on the given value.
  • 👻 The trick saves time and allows for quick and accurate solutions to percentage problems.
  • 🗂️ Understanding basic percentage calculations, such as dividing by 10 or finding half of a number, is crucial for applying this trick effectively.
  • 🥺 Flexibility in approach and willingness to experiment with different breakdowns of the percentage can lead to even faster solutions.


g'day welcome to Tech math Channel I'm Josh today  I'm going to show you a nice easy way of solving   some percentage questions so let's start out  with a question where I'm going to give you   a limited time to solve it and then I'm going to  show you how we go through and do this sound fair   so let's see how fast you can solve this question  her... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can the given percentage be broken down to solve the question quickly?

The given percentage can be broken down into two parts - a larger part (e.g., 50%) and a smaller part (e.g., 10%). By calculating these parts individually and adding them together, the final answer for the percentage question can be obtained.

Q: What is the trick to solve the percentage question "60% of 42" quickly?

To solve "60% of 42" quickly, the given percentage (60%) is broken down into 50% and 10%. 50% of 42 is 21, and 10% of 42 is 4.2. Adding these two results together gives the final answer of 25.2.

Q: Can this trick be applied to other percentage questions as well?

Yes, this trick can be applied to any percentage question. By breaking down the given percentage into easier calculations and then adding the results, the final answer can be obtained quickly.

Q: Are there any tips for utilizing this trick effectively?

It is important to be flexible in the approach while using this trick. Adjust the breakdown of the percentage based on the given percentage value to simplify the calculations further.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content provides a trick to solve percentage questions by breaking down the given percentage into easier calculations.

  • The trick involves breaking down the given percentage into two parts: a larger, easy-to-calculate part and a smaller part.

  • By adding the calculations of the two parts together, the final answer for the percentage question can be obtained.

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