Sirens of Chrome | Margery Krevsky | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

February 1, 2010
Talks at Google
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Sirens of Chrome | Margery Krevsky | Talks at Google


Margery Krevsky discusses the history and significance of "Sirens of Chrome"; the models who talk for cars at auto shows, as well as the fashion and cultural trends that accompanied them.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ€‘ Auto shows have a rich history, evolving from a focus on families and practical transportation to becoming glamorous events with performances and celebrity appearances.
  • πŸš— Models, or Sirens of Chrome, play a critical role in auto shows by personifying and promoting the cars they represent.
  • πŸ“ˆ Fashion trends often parallel car design trends, reflecting the cultural and social changes of the time.


We're about to have Margery Krevsky, the author of Sirens of Chrome, the enduring allure of [INAUDIBLE]. Margery co-founded Productions Plus located in Bingham Farms, Michigan, in 1981 and the agency has quickly grown -- grew to one of the major players in selecting and training talent for auto shows. Productions Plus has recently evolved to bec... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of the models, or "Sirens of Chrome," at auto shows?

The Sirens of Chrome serve as the voice for cars, as they cannot speak for themselves. Their role is to make cars more appealing and provide information to the audience about the vehicles they represent.

Q: How did the role of Sirens of Chrome evolve over time?

Initially, families were chosen as product specialists to represent cars, as they were the target market. As time went on, professional models and performers took over, adding glamour to the auto shows and creating more engaging experiences for attendees.

Q: How did fashion trends influence the automotive industry?

Fashion trends in clothing often paralleled trends in car design. For example, in the 1950s, as women's fashion became more daring and colorful, car designs also became more flamboyant with excessive chrome and unique features.

Q: What is the future of auto shows and car design?

Auto shows continue to be popular worldwide, with each show providing a unique experience and showcasing the latest innovations in car design. Designers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, incorporating new technologies and appealing to the changing tastes of consumers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Margery Krevsky, author of Sirens of Chrome, discusses the history and evolution of auto shows, focusing on the models who represent the cars.

  • The first auto shows featured families as product specialists, highlighting the marketing focus on cars as family transportation.

  • As time went on, auto shows became more glamorous and included performances, fashion shows, and celebrity appearances.

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