November 19, 2023
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Three teams face off in a cooking challenge where they must follow the instructions of a celebrity chef without being able to see what she is doing.

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Key Insights

  • 🍳 The challenge consists of three courses: a starter, a main, and a dessert, each with its own set of challenges.
  • 🍲 The teams have to cook without any instructions, and there are ingredients that may be needed or just thrown in to throw them off.
  • 😅 The blue team expresses doubts about their cooking skills, especially Deji, but they are determined to win.
  • 🔵 The red team, consisting of Deji and JJ, is confident and has good chemistry, like a family-owned restaurant. ⏰ The teams have 20 minutes to cook a potato dish called "Pancetta and Cheese Potato Balls" as their starter, but they struggle with the lack of instructions.
  • 🔥 The green team, consisting of Ethan and Toby, is focused and seems to be doing well, following the instructions and working together.
  • 🧂 The blue team's starter doesn't turn out as expected, and they admit that it is bland.
  • 🙌 The teams present their dishes, and the judges rate them based on presentation and taste.
  • 🥩 The red team's main dish, a beef fillet cooked in a salt crust, receives high praise for taste, but they are criticized for not chopping the salt and overcompensating with cream to fix the mashed potatoes.
  • 🌿 The green team's dish is commended for its creativity and good presentation, but the asparagus is criticized for not being properly peeled.
  • 😅 Overall, the green team performs the best, followed by the red team, and the blue team struggles to keep up.


ladies and gentlemen welcome to the world's hardest cooking challenge sidemen Edition today we have three teams facing three different challenges they're going to be cooking a starter a Mane and a dessert each course holding its own challenge during these challenges the teams be given a score base on both the presentation of the food and how it tas... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the blue team struggle with the challenge?

The blue team struggles because they do not listen carefully to the instructions and make mistakes in understanding and executing the tasks.

Q: Describe the communication dynamics between the teams during the challenge.

The teams have a mix of communication dynamics, with some teams collaborating well and listening to each other, while others struggle to communicate effectively and make decisions together.

Q: How does the green team stand out in the challenge?

The green team stands out because they listen carefully to the instructions and communicate well with each other, making sure to understand and execute the tasks correctly. They work together effectively and stay calm throughout the challenge.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Sidemen face off in a cooking challenge with three teams competing in three different challenges: starter, main course, and dessert.

  • In the main course challenge, the teams must follow the instructions of celebrity chef Kimberly Wyatt without being able to see what she is doing.

  • The teams struggle with various tasks, including peeling and chopping ingredients and understanding the instructions correctly.

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