Should you use Kaspersky products? | Kaspersky vs US Government | Summary and Q&A

July 17, 2018
The PC Security Channel
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Should you use Kaspersky products? | Kaspersky vs US Government


It is generally safe for regular home or business users to use Kaspersky software, despite the controversy surrounding its alleged ties to the Russian government.

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Key Insights

  • 🌍 The controversy surrounding Kaspersky primarily stems from allegations of its ties with the Russian government and concerns about national security and intelligence operations.
  • 🤕 The US government ban on Kaspersky software only applies to its own systems and does not directly impact regular home or business users.
  • 👔 Other major US software companies, such as Facebook and Microsoft, also have ties with the US government, indicating that ties between software companies and intelligence agencies are not uncommon.
  • 🖤 The lack of concrete evidence or detailed information about Kaspersky's software workings makes it difficult to ascertain the validity of the allegations against the company.
  • 🤕 Kaspersky's strong reaction to the ban suggests that the allegations may be an exaggeration or surprise to the company.
  • 👤 Users should consider their own specific circumstances and ties to the US government before deciding whether to use Kaspersky software.
  • 🥡 Other antivirus companies taking advantage of the controversy to promote their products may not necessarily reflect their true opinion of Kaspersky or the situation.


after all the recent controversy surrounding Kaspersky should you use Kaspersky software now before I get into this topic here are a few disclaimers I am NOT an insider I don't know anything about Kaspersky Lab their code what goes on behind the scenes there I have just as much information about that as you neither do I have any information about t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Are there concrete allegations or evidence that Kaspersky is spying on its users or has ties with the Russian government?

No, as a closed-source and proprietary software, there is limited information available about how Kaspersky software works. While it is technically possible, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that Kaspersky is spying on users or has direct ties with the Russian government.

Q: Why did the US government ban Kaspersky from its systems?

The US government, as a precautionary measure, banned Kaspersky software from its systems due to concerns about cybersecurity and potential ties between Kaspersky and the Russian government. This decision is based on national security and diplomatic considerations.

Q: Should regular home or business users be concerned about using Kaspersky software?

Regular users who have no ties to the US government can use Kaspersky software without major concerns. The controversy primarily revolves around national security and intelligence operations, which do not directly affect the average user.

Q: What are the potential consequences of using Kaspersky software?

While using Kaspersky software is generally safe for regular users, those with strong ties to the US government or classified information on their computers should exercise caution and avoid using Kaspersky as a precautionary measure.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The US government has suggested that Kaspersky is using its software to allow Russian intelligence to gain access to certain data, but details and evidence are unclear.

  • The US government ban on Kaspersky only affects its own use, and regular home or business users are not directly impacted.

  • Other major US software companies also have ties to the US government, leading to the conclusion that software from certain countries often has some ties to their respective intelligence agencies.

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