Should You Have Multiple YouTube Channels ( Pros and Cons ) | Summary and Q&A

February 20, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Should You Have Multiple YouTube Channels ( Pros and Cons )


Having multiple YouTube channels can be beneficial if you make mixed content or need a creative outlet, but it can also be time-consuming and take away from the growth of your main channel.

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Key Insights

  • 🎯 Multiple channels can be advantageous for creators who make mixed content or want a creative outlet, targeting specific audiences.
  • 💗 However, maintaining multiple channels can be time-consuming and take away energy from growing your main channel.
  • ☠️ It can negatively impact click-through rates and subscriber count, as viewers may not be interested in all types of content.
  • ⛔ Monetization opportunities may also be limited if your content is spread across multiple channels.
  • 👻 A main channel with a clear focus allows creators to dedicate more time and effort to grow and improve their content.
  • ⌛ Consider the available time, energy, and resources before deciding to create multiple channels.
  • 💯 Using your main channel to filter viewers to your secondary channel can help retain and engage your core audience.


  • Multiple Youtube channels. Is it a good idea, is it a bad idea? Well, sometimes it's extremely smart to do multiple channels. Other times, not so much. We're gonna get to the bottom of it, and we start right now. (upbeat music) What is going on? My name is Nick from Welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is it a good idea to have multiple YouTube channels?

It can be a good idea if you create mixed content and want to target different audiences. However, it can also harm your main channel's performance and make monetization more challenging.

Q: How can having multiple channels hurt your click-through rate?

If viewers are subscribed to your main channel but don't engage with the content from your secondary channels, it sends a signal to YouTube that even your subscribers aren't interested. This can lead to lower visibility for your videos.

Q: Can having multiple channels limit monetization opportunities?

Yes, if you're seeking sponsorships, having multiple channels with different types of content makes it harder to align with specific brands. Brands prefer channels with a clear target audience and consistent content.

Q: Is it worth having a separate channel for creative expression?

Yes, having a secondary channel as a creative outlet can be beneficial. It allows you to explore different content without compromising the focus of your main channel. You can also use your main channel to promote your secondary channel to filter your core viewers who enjoy your variety content.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Having multiple channels is beneficial if you create mixed content, as it allows you to cater to different interests and target specific audiences.

  • Multiple channels can hurt your main channel's click-through rate and subscriber count, as viewers may not be interested in all types of content you create.

  • It can also make it difficult to secure sponsorship opportunities, as brands prefer channels with specific content for a clear target audience.

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