She Turned Two Strategies into $1.5 Million [Best Ways to Make Money] | Summary and Q&A

December 5, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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She Turned Two Strategies into $1.5 Million [Best Ways to Make Money]


Learn from Michele Schroeder Gardner, founder of the blog Making Sense of Cents, as she shares her journey and reveals three income sources that helped her make over $1.5 million a year.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Michele Schroeder Gardner started Making Sense of Cents as a way to share her debt repayment journey, which eventually transformed into a highly profitable blog.
  • 👶 Sponsored posts can be a significant income source for new bloggers, providing opportunities for collaborations with companies and brands.
  • 🗯️ Creating a course or product, like Michele's Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing, can generate substantial passive income with the right strategies in place.
  • 👥 Finding motivation and accountability partners within a mastermind group can be instrumental in staying on track and completing a long-term project like developing a course.
  • 🍧 Having a clear outline, dedicating uninterrupted time, and meeting deadlines are crucial for successfully creating and launching a course or product.
  • 😫 Starting with higher pricing for sponsored posts can set a precedent for fair compensation and avoid underselling oneself in the long run.
  • 💄 Michele's success with Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing highlights the importance of providing value to readers and being selective with affiliate products.


Joseph Hogue here with the let's talk money YouTube channel I want to send a special shout out to all our subscribers thank you for taking a part of your day to be here with us if you're not part of that community yet just click that little red subscribe button it's free and you'll never miss an episode so now if you've ever thought about making mo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do sponsored posts work, and how much should new bloggers charge?

Sponsored posts can take different forms, such as featuring a product on a blog post or promoting it on social media. As for pricing, it's recommended for new bloggers to start with a higher fee, at least $100 or $200, to avoid selling themselves short and set a precedent for fair compensation.

Q: How can bloggers develop a successful course or product like Michele's?

It's essential to find motivation and accountability partners, such as joining a mastermind group with fellow bloggers who have successful products. Having a detailed outline and devoting dedicated time to writing and developing the course can help maintain focus and meet deadlines.

Q: How did Michele make over $1 million with her course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing?

Michele's course has been highly successful, even without extensive advertising or promotion. Having a comprehensive course that provides value to readers, being selective with affiliate products, and leveraging her blog's audience helped generate substantial passive income.

Q: What is the next income source Michele will reveal in a future video?

In the next video, Michele will unveil her favorite income source, which has helped her make millions of dollars. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to not miss out on this valuable information.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Michele Schroeder Gardner started her blog, Making Sense of Cents, to share her experience paying off student loans and has since turned it into a cash machine, making over $1.5 million a year.

  • Sponsored posts are a great income source for new bloggers, where companies pay for articles or links to be featured on their blogs.

  • Creating a course or product, like Michele's Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing, can be a lucrative income source, even with minimal advertising and promotion.

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