Secret Service Agent REVEALS How To Read Anyone & SPOT A LIAR | Evy Poumpouras & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

April 29, 2022
On Purpose Podcast - Full Episodes
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Secret Service Agent REVEALS How To Read Anyone & SPOT A LIAR | Evy Poumpouras & Jay Shetty

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In this video, former Secret Service special agent Evy Poumporous discusses her career and insights from her book, "Becoming Bulletproof." She shares stories from her time protecting presidents and offers tips on reading people, building resilience, and making better decisions.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Evy maintain a kind and soft demeanor despite the stress of her job?

Evy explains that there are different versions of ourselves and we can adapt our behavior to different situations and people. She learned this while being a polygraph examiner and interrogator for the Secret Service. She realized that different people respond to different versions of her, and she adjusted her approach accordingly. By being attentive and authentic, she strengthened her relationships and communication skills.

Q: How can we maintain authenticity when using techniques to understand and connect with others?

Evy emphasizes that authenticity is maintained when techniques are employed with compassion, connection, and a genuine desire to understand the other person. She believes that when people feel heard and understood, trust is built, and they are more likely to open up. Techniques like empathy and open-ended questions can be used to connect with people and draw information out of them.

Q: Do people in Evy's personal life feel guarded around her because of her skills?

Evy explains that her family does not feel guarded around her and they do whatever they want. However, she acknowledges that some people may feel hesitant to be fully open with her because they know about her skills and abilities. She considers it important to create a comfortable environment to encourage openness and connection.

Q: How did Evy become a Secret Service agent and what led her to this career?

Evy shares that her parents were immigrants from Greece and had faced hardships. Inspired by their struggles, she wanted to make a better life for herself and her family. Despite not knowing much about law enforcement, she applied to the NYPD and the U.S. Secret Service. She took every opportunity to learn and gain experience, which eventually led her to her career as a Special Agent.

Q: What are some mistakes people make when assessing whether to trust or believe someone?

Evy advises that a common mistake is not looking at a person's actions separately from their character. People often make excuses and dismiss red flags because they want to believe in the person rather than judging their actions objectively. She emphasizes the importance of judging actions and believing what is shown, rather than creating narratives that may not be true.

Q: How can we assess people when we haven't seen their actions, such as in an interview?

Evy suggests paying attention to body language and mannerisms during interviews. In-person interviews are preferable, as they allow for a better understanding of the person's energy. By observing deviations and patterns, such as shifts in posture or inconsistencies in verbal language, we can gain insights into a person's truthfulness. Open-ended questions and listening to their stories can also reveal values, thoughts, and potential red flags.

Q: How do people in law enforcement academies build resilience?

Evy explains that law enforcement academies break down individuals to build resilience. The process is designed to expose trainees to stress and see how they handle it. It aims to teach them to remain calm and focused under pressure, as they will be dealing with high-stress situations in the field. By experiencing and overcoming increasing levels of stress, individuals adapt and become more confident in their abilities to handle challenging situations.

Q: What impact does the breaking down and building resilience process have on self-esteem and decision-making?

Evy notes that going through the process of breaking down and building resilience boosts self-esteem and decision-making abilities. Trainees become more confident in themselves after overcoming stressful situations. They learn to be decisive and trust their own judgment without relying on others. This helps them make better decisions in high-pressure situations.

Q: How do law enforcement academies create strong individuals?

Evy explains that law enforcement academies create strong individuals through a self-selection process. Only those who already believe in their ability to handle stress and make a difference are likely to join the academy. The process of breaking down and building resilience further molds these individuals into strong and capable officers.

Q: Can these techniques be used to manipulate and deceive others?

Evy acknowledges that these techniques can be used for manipulation, but she emphasizes that it is counterproductive and likely to backfire. Genuine connection, empathy, and open communication are far more effective in building trust and getting people to open up. She also warns against relying on manipulation as people can often see through it, and it damages relationships in the long run.


Evy Poumporous shares valuable insights on reading people, building resilience, and making better decisions. She highlights the importance of separating a person's actions from their character and paying attention to deviations and patterns in body language and verbal language. It is crucial to ask open-ended questions and listen actively to people's stories to gain deeper insights. Law enforcement academies break down individuals to build resilience and teach them to remain calm under pressure. Going through challenging experiences helps boost self-esteem and decision-making abilities. These techniques should be used authentically to build trust and connection rather than for manipulation.

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