Russia and Stocks, This Comes Next… | Stock Market News | Summary and Q&A

February 28, 2022
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Russia and Stocks, This Comes Next… | Stock Market News


This analysis discusses the current state of the stock market, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and potential investment strategies for the week.

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Key Insights

  • 🇷🇺 The Russia-Ukraine conflict has intensified, impacting stock markets and causing uncertainty.
  • 🇷🇺 Sanctions on Russia have had limited impact on sectors such as energy and agriculture, but financial sanctions may have greater consequences.
  • 🔐 The conflict highlights Russia's concern about losing access to warm water ports and trade routes, which it considers crucial for its national security.
  • 🈷️ Investors should closely monitor the conflict's developments, along with Fed Chairman Powell's testimony and the monthly jobs report, which could further influence markets.
  • 🧘 The behavior of cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, during the conflict demonstrates increased institutional ownership and its position as a safe-haven asset.
  • 🤑 The SEC's proposed changes to the accredited investor rule could limit investment opportunities, widening the wealth gap between the rich and the average investor.
  • 🙃 Evaluating stocks individually rather than investing in a fund allows for greater control and potential upside in stocks such as Teledoc and Square.


hey bowtie nation joseph hogue here thank you for joining us for another one of these uh weekly uh monday morning at 9 00 a.m eastern live streams of stock market news giving you all the strategies the the trends that you need to know to uh to really get you ready for this week i'm gonna get started here because we obviously got a lot to talk about... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the Russia-Ukraine conflict affected stock markets?

Initially, the markets were optimistic about a potential resolution, causing a rebound. However, the conflict's escalation has led to increased uncertainty, resulting in a decline in stock prices.

Q: What are the potential weaknesses in the stock market for the upcoming week?

Apart from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, weaknesses could arise from the Fed chairman's testimony, which may indicate a more hawkish stance on interest rates, and the release of the monthly jobs report, which could affect market sentiment.

Q: How has gold performed during the conflict?

Gold initially broke out of a long-standing range following the conflict's escalation. However, subsequent positive developments caused it to retrace slightly. Gold remains volatile as investors monitor the conflict for potential further escalation.

Q: What impact has the conflict had on the Russian economy?

Russia has faced economic challenges due to sanctions and a plummeting ruble. The central bank had to double interest rates to 20% to stabilize the situation. Despite this, Russia is determined to protect its access to trade routes and warm water ports.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Russia-Ukraine conflict resurfaced over the weekend, causing uncertainty in the global economy and negatively impacting stock markets.

  • Sanctions imposed on Russia have had varying effects on different sectors, with the energy and agricultural sectors relatively unaffected.

  • Besides the conflict, two other factors - Fed Chairman Powell's testimony and the monthly jobs report - could also influence stock performance.

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