Rounding to the nearest 100 | 3rd grade | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

October 4, 2013
Khan Academy
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Rounding to the nearest 100 | 3rd grade | Khan Academy


Learn how to round numbers to the nearest 100 by examining the tens place and applying the rule.

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Key Insights

  • 👂 Rounding numbers to the nearest 100 involves considering the tens place and looking at whether it is 5 or larger.
  • 🫥 By utilizing a number line and marking multiples of 100, it becomes easier to visualize the process of rounding to the nearest 100.
  • 🛝 The decision to round up or round down is based on the value in the tens place and its relationship to the neighboring multiples of 100.
  • 🛝 Rounding to the nearest 100 ensures that numbers are approximated to a more manageable and easily understandable value.
  • 👻 The rule for rounding to the nearest 100 can be applied to various numbers, allowing for consistent and accurate results.
  • 🤝 Rounding enhances readability and simplifies calculations, especially when dealing with large numbers or estimates.
  • 🛝 Understanding the concept of rounding to the nearest 100 is essential in everyday situations, such as estimating costs or quantities.


We're asked to round 152, 137, 245, and 354 to the nearest 100, which is another way of saying round each of these numbers to the nearest multiple of 100. So let's think about them one by one. So let's draw a number line here. And here I'm counting up by hundreds. What I've marked here, 100, 200, 300, 400, these are all multiples of 100. I could ke... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you round a number to the nearest 100?

To round a number to the nearest 100, examine the tens place digit. If it is 5 or larger, round up to the next multiple of 100. If it is less than 5, round down to the previous multiple of 100.

Q: Why is it important to consider the tens place when rounding to the nearest 100?

The tens place determines whether a number is closer to the multiple of 100 above or below it. By looking at the value of the tens place, you can determine the correct direction to round.

Q: How would you round 245 to the nearest 100?

When rounding 245 to the nearest 100, the tens place is 4. Since it is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, 245 would be rounded down to 200.

Q: What is the rule for rounding to the nearest 100?

The rule for rounding to the nearest 100 states that if the value in the tens place is 5 or larger, round up; if it is less than 5, round down. Apply this rule to determine the appropriate multiple of 100.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Understand the process of rounding numbers to the nearest 100 by considering the multiples of 100 on a number line.

  • Examine examples of rounding 152, 137, 245, and 354 to the nearest 100 using the rule of looking at the tens place.

  • Learn how to decide whether to round up or round down based on the value of the digit in the tens place.

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