Robin Hanson: Alien Civilizations, UFOs, and the Future of Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #292 | Summary and Q&A

June 9, 2022
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Robin Hanson: Alien Civilizations, UFOs, and the Future of Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #292


The universe is filling up with expanding grabby alien civilizations, and in the next billion years, they will dominate the universe, creating a community of competitive civilizations.

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Key Insights

  • 🌌 The universe starts out empty and primitive, and then advanced civilizations, known as grabby aliens, appear and quickly expand, changing their surroundings. This expansion can be seen as huge spheres of activity in the sky.
  • 🌏 We are currently in a period where the universe is filling up with grabby alien civilizations, and in a few billion years, it will be completely full. This leads to the possibility of interaction and community among these civilizations.
  • 🚀 The expansion speed of grabby aliens is a key factor in why we don't see them in the sky. If they expand slowly, we would see many large spheres of activity. However, the fact that we don't see them suggests that they are expanding at a very fast speed, close to the speed of light.
  • 🌌 When the spheres of grabby alien civilizations collide, they recognize each other and interact, leading to potential competition. While competition is a fundamental force in the universe, it is uncertain whether this competition will lead to destructive conflict or stimulate innovation and progress.
  • 🌍 The concept of global governance is a potential alternative to competition and conflict. However, it may limit the expansion of civilizations into the universe, as it would require centralized control and potentially prevent interstellar colonization.
  • 🌌 The choice between global governance and interstellar expansion is a key decision that civilizations, including humanity, may face. Allowing interstellar colonization would bring back competition and potentially lead to a more dynamic and vibrant universe.
  • ⚖️ The analysis of cosmology and the potential future of civilizations requires separating neutral analysis from personal preferences. Examining likely outcomes can help inform decisions and understand the dynamics at play.


we can actually figure out where are the aliens out there in space time by being clever about the few things we can see one of which is our current date and so now that you have this living cosmology we can tell the story that the universe starts out empty and then at some point things like us appear very primitive and then some of those stop being... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can we predict the appearance and expansion of grabby alien civilizations?

By using a mathematical model with three parameters related to their speed, rate of appearance, and expansion, we can estimate when and how they will dominate the universe.

Q: What is the difference between "loud" and "grabby" aliens?

"Loud" aliens refer to the general concept of visible and obvious civilizations, while "grabby" aliens are a specific model within that concept, referring to civilizations that expand rapidly and change their surroundings.

Q: Will grabby aliens engage in military conflict with each other?

Grabby aliens are defined by their competitiveness, which suggests the potential for conflict. However, whether this translates into military conflict is uncertain and depends on the specific development and goals of each civilization.

Q: How does the expansion of grabby alien civilizations impact human civilization?

The expansion of grabby alien civilizations presents a choice for human civilization. If we choose to expand alongside them, we will become part of a larger community of competitive civilizations. However, if we prioritize global governance and suppress competition, we may forego the opportunity to expand into the universe.

Q: Can we exclude the possibility of quickly expanding aliens already being here on Earth?

The model suggests that if aliens were rapidly expanding and already present on Earth, we would have seen evidence of their activities. However, this particular question wasn't covered in the content provided.

Q: How does the model of grabby aliens challenge existing cosmological theories?

The model of grabby aliens offers a living cosmology that contrasts the traditional view of a dead and empty universe. It proposes that the universe will eventually be filled with active and competing civilizations, challenging the notion of a static and unchanging cosmos.

Q: What are the implications of choosing global governance over expansion into the universe?

Choosing global governance would likely prevent interstellar colonization and competition with other civilizations. It may ensure stability and cooperative behavior on Earth but restrict our ability to join the community of grabby alien civilizations.

Q: How does the concept of grabby aliens relate to the history of human civilization?

The model of grabby aliens draws parallels to the history of human civilization, where competition has played a significant role in progress and innovation. It suggests that competition is a fundamental force and may continue to shape the behavior of advanced civilizations in the universe.

Q: How can we predict the appearance and expansion of grabby alien civilizations?

By using a mathematical model with three parameters related to their speed, rate of appearance, and expansion, we can estimate when and how they will dominate the universe.


In this conversation, Robin Hanson, an economist at George Mason University, discusses the concept of "grabby aliens" and their potential existence in the universe. Grabby aliens are defined as civilizations that expand rapidly and change their environment. Hanson explains that if grabby aliens exist, they would be easily observable and their presence would affect the distribution of advanced civilizations in space and time. He also discusses the parameters of the grabby aliens model, such as their speed of expansion, rate of appearance, and the likelihood of collision between alien civilizations. Hanson suggests that our current date and the early appearance of advanced life on Earth are evidence that we are in the midst of a living cosmology, where the universe is filling up with active civilizations. He further explores the implications of competition and war among alien civilizations and the potential impact on our own civilization.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are "grabby aliens"?

Grabby aliens are civilizations that expand rapidly and change their environment. They are defined by their ability to utilize resources and alter their surroundings, distinguishing them from quieter and less visible alien civilizations.

Q: How does the grabby aliens model explain the absence of visible alien civilizations?

If grabby aliens were expanding slowly, we would expect to see a multitude of large, visibly different spheres of activity in the sky. However, since we don't see any evidence of such spheres, it suggests that grabby aliens must be expanding rapidly, potentially close to the speed of light.

Q: What is the significance of our current date in relation to the grabby aliens model?

Our current date plays a crucial role in understanding the distribution of advanced civilizations in space and time. As we are in the early stages of expansion, our date serves as a sample point for when advanced civilizations may appear. The parameters of the model can be set based on this data, allowing us to estimate the distribution of alien civilizations.

Q: How many hard steps are there in the process of advanced life appearing in the universe?

The exact number of hard steps is uncertain, but based on Earth's history, it is estimated to be around six hard steps. These steps include the development of simple life, the emergence of photosynthesis, sexual reproduction, eukaryote cells, and multicellularity. Each of these steps required a significant amount of time and evolutionary progress.

Q: Why did advanced life on Earth appear earlier than expected?

The early appearance of advanced life on Earth suggests that the assumption of the universe remaining empty until advanced life appears is unlikely. Earth's early appearance indicates that there are other factors at play in the distribution of advanced civilizations, and the model's assumption needs to be reevaluated.

Q: How do grabby aliens expand and interact with each other?

Grabby aliens expand by aggressively interacting with their environment, turning resources into something useful. As they expand, they often come into contact with other grabby alien civilizations, leading to the potential for interaction and competition. The exact nature of this interaction, whether cooperative or aggressive, is uncertain.

Q: What is the role of competition in the universe of grabby aliens?

Competition is a fundamental force in the universe, and grabby alien civilizations are likely defined by competition. The rapidly expanding nature of these civilizations means that competition is a significant factor. However, whether this competition results in war or destructive conflict remains an open question.

Q: Can competition be controlled or managed within a grabby alien civilization?

It is challenging to control or manage competition within an expanding interstellar civilization. While competition can be suppressed and limited within our current civilization, the nature of an expanding grabby alien civilization makes it difficult to coordinate and prevent competition from reemerging.

Q: What are the implications of destructive competition, such as nuclear warfare, on the future of civilization?

Destructive competition, like nuclear warfare, can have a significant impact on civilization. While it might cause a delay or disruption, it is unlikely to prevent the continued expansion of grabby alien civilizations. The destructive power of weapons may eventually outpace the desire for peace, but ultimately, the expansion of the universe and the dynamics of competing civilizations are more influential factors.

Q: What is the underlying message of the living cosmology concept?

The living cosmology concept introduces the idea that the universe is not a dead and empty place, but rather a dynamic space filled with active civilizations. It challenges the notion that we are alone and suggests that there is a larger community of grabby alien civilizations out there. This concept encourages us to consider the potential for joining this community and becoming part of a larger cosmological narrative.

Q: How does this cosmology model affect our understanding of the universe and our place in it?

The living cosmology model invites us to question our current understanding of the universe and our place in it. It offers a narrative that includes active actors and their agendas, providing a more dynamic and meaningful picture of cosmology. This model challenges us to consider the potential for interacting with and learning from other advanced civilizations and to grapple with the implications of competition, cooperation, and the future trajectory of our own civilization.


The discussion with Robin Hanson sheds light on the concept of "grabby aliens" and their potential existence in the universe. The grabby aliens model suggests that rapidly expanding civilizations exist, and their presence would be observable due to the changes they make to their environment. The early appearance of advanced life on Earth indicates that our current date serves as a sample point for when advanced civilizations may appear, leading to a living cosmology narrative. Competition plays a fundamental role in alien civilizations, and the potential for war or cooperation remains uncertain. Furthermore, the model challenges our perception of the universe as a dead and empty place, emphasizing the potential for joining a larger community of active civilizations. Overall, exploring the concept of grabby aliens allows us to question our understanding of the universe, our place in it, and the future trajectory of civilization.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Grabby aliens are expanding fast into the universe, changing and grabbing more resources.

  • The speed at which they expand and appear in time can be determined by mathematical modeling.

  • If we don't see them in the sky, it suggests they are expanding at a speed close to the speed of light, and in the future, the universe will be dominated by grabby alien civilizations.

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