Reviewing MKBHD Videos! | Summary and Q&A

July 2, 2022
Marques Brownlee
YouTube video player
Reviewing MKBHD Videos!


In this video, the content creator reflects on their journey of making videos for the past 13 years, discussing the evolution of their channel and sharing insights gained along the way.

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Key Insights

  • 😊 The content creator is proud of being self-taught in the video-making process and has translated their knowledge into a master class for aspiring creators.
  • 🫵 The popularity of the content creator's videos about Sony phones highlights the discrepancy between views and market share.
  • 🍳 Breaking the screen of the Samsung Galaxy Fold provided an interesting behind-the-scenes story.
  • 🪜 Collaborations with prominent figures like Kobe Bryant and media outlets like The Verge have enhanced the content creator's channel and added variety to their content.
  • 🫵 Negative videos about poorly performing products serve as a warning to viewers and demonstrate the content creator's commitment to honesty and transparency.
  • 👀 Looking back at the earliest videos, the content creator acknowledges the cringe-worthy aspects but also appreciates the growth and progress made over the years.
  • 🎮 The content creator's journey showcases the evolution of video-making technology and industry trends.


so on one hand it's nice that you can look back at your previous work and see a difference and actually know that you're getting better at something but on the other hand it is kind of embarrassing when all that old stuff is still up and it's just not good but i've been making videos more or less for about 13 years or almost 14 years now which is c... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the creator most proud of in their video-making process?

The content creator takes pride in being self-taught and developing their skills without a formal guide. They consider it an accomplishment to have created a successful tech channel and turned it into a business.

Q: What is the purpose of the master class the content creator mentions?

The master class serves as a blueprint for creating a tech channel and making videos. It provides guidance and insights from the content creator's own experience, helping aspiring creators navigate the industry and build successful channels.

Q: Why do the creator's videos about Sony phones receive more views despite the company's low market share?

The content creator finds it interesting that their videos about Sony phones consistently receive more views per video compared to other brands. They attribute this to factors such as the delay between phone announcement and release, as well as the high price of Sony phones.

Q: How did the content creator's experience with the Samsung Galaxy Fold unfold?

The content creator shares their experience with the Samsung Galaxy Fold, including the incident where they accidentally broke the screen while filming. They also discuss the unique magnet feature of the phone, which can pick up metal objects.

Q: What was the purpose of the collaboration video with Kobe Bryant?

The content creator collaborated with Kobe Bryant in a video discussing the tech features of his signature shoe. They express appreciation for Kobe's deep knowledge and passion for the subject, which made the interview insightful and enjoyable.

Q: What was the aim of the video created in collaboration with The Verge's video team?

The collaboration video aimed to showcase the tech features of the LG G Flex phone using The Verge's signature ultra-wide video style. The content creator mentions the challenges faced, such as shooting the video with a broken hand.

Q: Why did the content creator make negative videos about products like the HTC U Ultra?

The content creator explains that negative videos were made when a product was considered "so bad" that it required a warning or the audience needed to be informed not to buy it. These videos aimed to provide honest and objective assessments of the product's shortcomings.

Q: How did the content creator start their video-making journey?

The content creator started making videos in 2009 with a laptop webcam, discussing features of a new laptop they had purchased. They acknowledge their initial lack of experience and the adjustments they had to make, such as taking off their glasses to avoid reflections.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content creator has been making videos for about 13 years and reflects on their growth and progress over time.

  • They discuss their pride in being self-taught and the lack of resources available when they started out.

  • The creator introduces a master class they have developed and mentions other notable figures who have also created master classes.

  • They plan to review their older videos, share behind-the-scenes stories, and discuss the progress and changes in the tech industry.

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