Reddit Disinformation & How We Beat It Together - Smarter Every Day 232 | Summary and Q&A

March 25, 2020
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Reddit Disinformation & How We Beat It Together - Smarter Every Day 232


Reddit faces the challenge of combating disinformation while maintaining its platform for freely exchanging ideas. Moderators, community members, and Reddit admins work together to address inauthentic behavior and manipulate content, but the battle against disinformation remains ongoing.

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Key Insights

  • 👻 Reddit's community-driven nature allows users to shape the content and maintains its position as the front page of the internet.
  • 🥌 The role of moderators is essential in creating and maintaining the tone and rules of individual communities on Reddit.
  • 👤 Inauthentic behavior and manipulative content pose challenges on Reddit, but efforts are being made to address them through user reports and platform interventions.
  • ❓ Researchers and experts are studying disinformation on Reddit to understand its impact on cognitive complexity, polarization, and toxicity in discussions.
  • 👤 Reddit's approach of relying on user reports and community-driven moderation aims to strike a balance between fighting disinformation and preserving user freedom.
  • 🥺 Coordinated inauthentic behavior on Reddit can lead to polarization, decreased cognitive complexity, and increased toxicity in conversations.
  • 🤯 Reddit admins play a crucial role in enforcing site-wide policies and removing content that violates them, although their intervention is relatively rare.


hey sv dustin welcome back to smarter every day unfortunately now is the time for the video about disinformation on reddit the front page of the internet it's been documented by both the european union and the united states of america that russia iran china are all spreading disinformation online about the coronavirus pandemic which to be clear can... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Reddit combat disinformation while maintaining user anonymity and freedom of expression?

Reddit takes a community-driven approach with user voting and moderation to shape content. Moderators set rules and can remove any content that goes against them, preserving the integrity of individual communities. The platform also relies on user reports to identify and address suspicious accounts and activities.

Q: How does Reddit ensure the authenticity of user voting and prevent manipulation?

Reddit has implemented measures to prevent vote manipulation. Users have the ability to reconsider their votes after viewing the content, and the downvote option helps to address inauthentic behavior. Additionally, Reddit employs systems to detect and counter any attempts to manipulate voting, ensuring the integrity of popular content.

Q: What role do Reddit admins play in addressing disinformation and content manipulation?

Reddit admins are the last line of defense, responsible for enforcing site-wide policies and removing content that violates them. They handle issues like copyright violations, harassment, and spam. While their intervention is relatively rare, they play a crucial role in maintaining the overall integrity of the platform.

Q: How does coordinated inauthentic behavior impact Reddit?

Coordinated inauthentic behavior is a problem on Reddit, similar to other social media platforms. While there are measures in place to prevent and address it, some content that may not meet the platform's standards can still reach the front page. However, continuous efforts are being made to prevent and minimize the influence of inauthentic behavior.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Russia, Iran, and China are spreading disinformation on Reddit about the COVID-19 pandemic, which poses a threat to public health. Reddit is actively working to fight against disinformation while preserving its community-driven nature.

  • Reddit's control lies in the hands of its users, who collectively shape the content through upvoting or downvoting. Moderators also play a role in maintaining the tone and rules within their respective communities.

  • Coordinated inauthentic behavior is a problem on Reddit, but efforts are being made to prevent and tackle it. The platform relies on user reports to identify suspicious accounts and content and takes action to remove them.

  • Researchers and experts are studying disinformation on Reddit, analyzing how it influences conversations and impacts cognitive complexity, polarization, and toxicity in discussions.

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