recent books i dnf'd! | Summary and Q&A

February 23, 2024
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recent books i dnf'd!


Booktuber Jesse discusses her journey of mastering the art of DNFing (Did Not Finish) books and shares her experience with six books she recently DNFed.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 DNFing books can be a valuable tool for avoiding reading slumps and maintaining enjoyment in reading.
  • 🖐️ Personal preference and deal breakers play a significant role in deciding to DNF a book.
  • 🥺 High expectations can sometimes lead to disappointment when a book doesn't meet them.
  • 🥰 It is okay to DNF a well-loved book if it doesn't work for an individual reader.
  • 📔 Revisiting authors or series in the future is still a possibility even after DNFing a book.
  • 📔 DNFing books allows readers to prioritize their reading preferences and focus on books they truly enjoy.
  • 👅 Understanding one's own tastes and preferences is an essential aspect of becoming better at DNFing.


the natural lighting is being unpredictable today so bear with me on that front bear with me it's frustrating me son just be consistent be consistent hey hi hello welcome back to my channel I'm Jesse and today I'm going to be talking about all my dnf so far in the year of 2024 I've been really working at getting better at mastering the art of dnfin... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Jesse view the act of DNFing books?

Jesse believes that DNFing books is essential to avoid forcing herself to read something she doesn't enjoy, which can potentially lead to reading slumps.

Q: What factors influenced Jesse's decision to DNF these books?

Jesse's decision to DNF these books was primarily based on personal preference and deal breakers. She explains that certain elements within books didn't work for her, and she wasn't willing to put up with them.

Q: Did Jesse have high expectations for these books?

Yes, Jesse admits that she had high expectations for some of these books, which might have contributed to her disappointment. However, she acknowledges that just because a book didn't work for her doesn't mean it won't work for others.

Q: Is Jesse open to revisiting these DNFed books in the future?

Jesse mentions that she might consider revisiting some authors or series in the future, indicating that her decision to DNF these particular books doesn't reflect her overall opinion of the authors' works.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jesse shares her frustration with forcing herself to read books she's not enjoying, leading her to focus on getting better at DNFing books.

  • She discusses six books that she recently DNFed and explains why they didn't work for her.

  • Jesse emphasizes that her personal preferences and deal breakers played a significant role in her decision to DNF these books.

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