Read What You Love Until You Love to Read | Summary and Q&A

April 3, 2019
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Read What You Love Until You Love to Read


Reading and continuous learning are crucial for personal growth and development. Cultivate a love for reading and educate yourself in various fields.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Continuous learning is essential for personal growth and development.
  • 🥰 Reading books you love cultivates a lifelong love for reading.
  • 💁 Foundational books form the basis for understanding complex subjects.
  • 😌 The internet provides vast resources for learning; the scarcity lies in the desire to learn.
  • ❓ Cultivating curiosity is crucial for fostering creativity and learning.
  • 👨‍🏫 Schools and traditional education often hinder curiosity and creativity.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Compliance-focused education breeds obedient workers, not creative thinkers.


before we go and talk about accountability and leverage and judgment you've got a few tweets further down the line that I would put in the category of continuous learning they're essentially there is no skill called business avoid business magazines in business class study microeconomics game theory psychology persuasion ethics mathematics and comp... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is reading considered the foundation of learning?

Reading is the primary way to absorb knowledge and information from a wide variety of subjects. It allows individuals to explore different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of various topics.

Q: How can one develop a love for reading?

Start by reading books that genuinely interest you. As you build a habit of reading, you will naturally gravitate towards more challenging and diverse subjects. It's essential to find books that captivate your curiosity and passion.

Q: Are there any specific types of books one should read to build a strong foundation?

Foundational books in specific fields, such as Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" or Darwin's "Origin of Species," provide a scientific and logical understanding of their respective subjects. These books lay the groundwork for further exploration and critical thinking.

Q: How does continuous learning foster personal growth?

Continuous learning keeps the mind active and adaptable to new ideas. It broadens perspectives, enhances problem-solving skills, and allows individuals to stay updated in an ever-changing world. It opens doors to new opportunities and helps individuals reach their full potential.


In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of continuous learning and the role of reading in education. They emphasize the value of reading a wide range of topics and developing a love for reading. The speaker also highlights the significance of foundational texts in various fields and how they can shape our understanding and thinking. Additionally, they emphasize the abundance of learning resources available through the internet and underscore the need to cultivate curiosity and creativity in education.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some categories of continuous learning mentioned in the video?

The speaker mentions various categories of continuous learning, such as business, microeconomics, game theory, psychology, persuasion, ethics, mathematics, and computers.

Q: Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of reading?

According to the speaker, reading is the foundation of learning. They argue that reading allows individuals to educate themselves and develop a love for learning. Additionally, reading helps build a strong understanding of different subjects and opens up opportunities for personal growth and development.

Q: How can one develop a love for reading?

The speaker suggests starting by reading books that you love and gradually expanding to other subjects. They advocate for following one's natural interests and reading books that genuinely captivate and engage you. By doing so, reading becomes a habit and curiosity is fueled, leading to a love for reading.

Q: Are there exceptions to the rule of reading what one loves?

Yes, there are exceptions. The speaker mentions that there are foundational texts in certain fields that are important to read, even if they may not be the most exciting. These texts, often scientific in nature, shape our understanding and provide a solid base for further exploration and critical thinking.

Q: Why is it important to understand foundational concepts in mathematics and physics?

The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding foundational concepts in subjects like mathematics and physics. They argue that having a solid understanding of these basics allows individuals to grasp more complex ideas and not simply rely on memorization. Understanding these foundations provides a logical and scientific framework for learning.

Q: What is the significance of cultivating a desire to learn?

The speaker highlights the abundance of learning resources available through the internet and emphasizes that the means of learning are not scarce. However, they note that the desire to learn is what often lacks. Cultivating a genuine curiosity and desire to learn is crucial for personal growth and development.

Q: How does our educational system impede curiosity and creativity?

The speaker suggests that our educational system often replaces curiosity with compliance. They argue that the emphasis on conformity and obedience diminishes the development of creative thinkers. Instead of encouraging curiosity and independent thinking, the system produces compliant workers who may lack the ability to feed their own brains and learn independently.

Q: What role does creativity play in learning and education?

The speaker asserts that creativity is essential in learning and education. They argue that creativity allows individuals to think critically, explore new ideas, and feed their own brains. Cultivating creativity enables individuals to learn whatever they want and fosters a lifelong love for continuous learning.

Q: How has the internet changed the accessibility of learning resources?

The speaker points out that the internet has made a vast amount of learning resources available to everyone. They compare it to the Library of Alexandria, stressing that the means of education and learning are no longer scarce. However, they highlight the importance of cultivating a desire to learn and utilizing the abundant resources effectively.

Q: What does the speaker mean by "the desire to learn is scarce"?

The speaker implies that despite the abundance of learning resources, many people lack the motivation and passion to engage in continuous learning. They argue that the desire to learn is what truly determines one's education and intellectual growth. It is necessary to cultivate and nurture this desire to fully utilize the available learning opportunities.


The video discusses the importance of continuous learning, emphasizing the role of reading in education. It encourages individuals to read books that they love and gradually expand their interests. The importance of understanding foundational texts is highlighted, as well as the need for a solid understanding of mathematics and physics. The speaker urges the cultivation of curiosity and creativity, lamenting how our educational system often stifles these qualities. They emphasize that the means of learning are abundant with the internet, but it is the desire to learn that truly determines one's educational journey.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The foundation of learning is reading, and it is essential to develop a love for reading to educate oneself.

  • Start by reading whatever interests you and gradually move on to more complex subjects.

  • Foundational books in specific fields are crucial for building a strong understanding of the subject matter.

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