Randall Kennedy: The N-Word - History of Race, Law, Politics, and Power | Lex Fridman Podcast #379 | Summary and Q&A

May 24, 2023
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Randall Kennedy: The N-Word - History of Race, Law, Politics, and Power | Lex Fridman Podcast #379


This comprehensive analysis delves into the history and power of the N-word, the controversy surrounding its use, the impact of censorship on free speech, and the discussions around critical race theory.

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Key Insights

  • 🙅 The N-word has a long lineage, and its usage and meaning have evolved over time, from a descriptive term to a derogatory slur.
  • 🧑‍🏫 Teachers often face disciplinary action for teaching about the N-word, while some argue that understanding its history and impact is essential for addressing racial issues.
  • 🔑 The controversy surrounding the N-word highlights the complexities of freedom of speech, responsible usage, and the power of words.


  • Let's imagine you have a Black rapper who invites people on stage, and let's suppose they invite a Black person on stage and they're perfectly happy when the Black person is full out with their lyrics. They invite a White person on stage. The White person is doesn't really sort of mystified, but it comes on stage and full out with what the rapper... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Should the N-word be censored on social media?

Censoring the N-word would hinder discussions about its historical and social implications. Understanding its context and usage is essential for education and open dialogue about racism.

Q: When is it okay for a White person to say the N-word with a hard R?

Intent and context matter. Using the word to intimidate or harm others is never acceptable. However, in academic or satirical settings where it is essential to the discussion of racism, its use can be justified.

Q: Should the N-word be censored on social media?

Censoring the N-word would hinder discussions about its historical and social implications. Understanding its context and usage is essential for education and open dialogue about racism.


In this video, Lex Friedman interviews Randall Kennedy, a professor at Harvard Law School and author of the book "Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word," which explores the history and power of the N-word. They discuss the controversy surrounding the use of the word, its historical context, and its impact on society. Kennedy shares his perspective on the use of the word in various contexts, including education, literature, and comedy.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the history of the N-word?

The N-word dates back to the 16th and 17th century and has a long lineage derived from Latin and Spanish words meaning "Black." However, it is not entirely clear how the term became a derogatory slur.

Q: What experiences did Kennedy have since writing the book?

Kennedy's book generated controversy and led to him being invited as an expert witness in various legal cases. He also learned that teachers have been disciplined for using excerpts from his book in the classroom.

Q: What is the nature of the letters or op-eds Kennedy writes in defense of disciplined teachers?

Kennedy argues that there has not been a case where it was sensible to discipline a teacher for using his book. He writes to school administrators and sometimes publishes opinion editorials to highlight the importance of understanding the history and context of the N-word.

Q: Are you deliberate in using the N-word in your book and in conversations about it?

Yes, Kennedy deliberately chose to use the N-word in the title of his book to grab attention and provoke thought about its history and impact. However, he also respects individuals who choose not to use the word and emphasizes the importance of understanding its power.

Q: Should the use of the N-word be censored on social networks?

Kennedy argues against the censorship of the N-word on social networks or other platforms. He believes that erasing the word would hinder the ability to educate and engage in meaningful discussions about its history and significance.

Q: When is it okay for a White person to say the N-word with a hard R?

Kennedy argues that it is never okay for anyone, regardless of their race, to use the N-word in a derogatory or harmful manner. However, in academic or satirical contexts where its use serves an educational or comedic purpose, it may be appropriate.

Q: What if a White comedian's satirical use of the N-word is not funny?

Kennedy states that he does not object to the use of the N-word in satire but acknowledges that not all jokes are funny. He believes that the focus should be on the comedian's lack of humor rather than the use of the word itself.


The discussion highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding the N-word. Kennedy argues for a more nuanced approach that recognizes the historical context and the power of the word while advocating for education and understanding. He believes that censorship is not the solution and emphasizes the importance of maximizing love and compassion in society.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The conversation with Randall Kennedy, a Harvard Law School professor and author of "N-word: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word," explores the history and evolution of the N-word from Latin and Spanish origins to becoming a derogatory slur.

  • Kennedy discusses the controversy surrounding his book and the various cases of teachers being disciplined for teaching about the N-word. He argues that understanding and discussing the history of the word is essential for confronting racial issues.

  • The analysis also delves into the nuances of the N-word's usage, including its impact in satire, academic settings, and the fine line between freedom of speech and responsible use.

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