Ramsha on Confronting Racial Discrimination and Fulfilling dreams. | Ramsha Essa | TEDxAzadiStreet | Summary and Q&A

January 4, 2024
TEDx Talks
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Ramsha on Confronting Racial Discrimination and Fulfilling dreams. | Ramsha Essa | TEDxAzadiStreet


Ramsha shares her journey of overcoming bullying, finding confidence, and pursuing her passion for storytelling through her organization Rising Brown Women.

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Key Insights

  • 🙊 Confidence can be built through overcoming challenges and speaking up for oneself.
  • ❓ Financial independence can provide the freedom to pursue dreams and passions.
  • ❓ Giving back to the community and supporting others is important for personal growth.
  • 🤩 Overcoming fear and consistency are key to achieving success.
  • 🎁 Enjoying the journey and being grateful for the present moment is crucial for happiness.
  • ❓ Every experience, including setbacks, can contribute to personal growth and success.
  • 🥺 Pursuing unconventional paths may lead to fulfilling dreams and aspirations.


hello okay uh assalam alaikum first of all everyone and uh thank you so much to tedex aadi Street for giving me this honor uh organizing any event is not simple so shout out to the whole team of tedex for doing this and U see okay I'll start but this was a dream for me to be part of the Ted stage I never thought this would happen so early in my lif... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Ramsha gain confidence and overcome the bullying she faced?

Ramsha developed confidence through a traumatic experience that taught her the importance of speaking up for herself. This realization helped her overcome her fear and believe in her own abilities.

Q: Why did Ramsha choose a male-dominated profession like software engineering?

Ramsha chose software engineering because it offered financial independence, which she believed was crucial for pursuing her dreams and aspirations. She acknowledged that money can provide confidence and freedom to explore other passions.

Q: How did Ramsha start her organization, Rising Brown Women?

Ramsha started Rising Brown Women to empower and support other South Asian women. She wanted to give back to her community and provide career counseling and professional development opportunities to help them succeed.

Q: What advice does Ramsha have for others in pursuing their dreams?

Ramsha advises individuals to become financially independent and use that stability to fuel their passions. She also encourages taking on different jobs and internships to learn valuable skills, and to prioritize long-term growth over societal expectations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Ramsha shares her experience of being bullied for her looks and culture, which initially made her shy and timid.

  • She emphasizes the importance of speaking up for oneself and overcoming fear to achieve personal growth and happiness.

  • Ramsha pursued a male-dominated profession in software engineering for financial independence, but also followed her passion for storytelling through her organization and writing.

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